Special thanks to Hiroyuki Imabayashi for creating "Sokoban"!
-Special thanks to Alan Bond and Jürgen Bonhagen for the continuous creation
+Special thanks to Alan Bond and Jürgen Bonhagen for the continuous creation
of outstanding level sets!
Thanks to Peter Elzner for ideas and inspiration by Diamond Caves.
Thanks to Thomas Andrae for some additional toon graphics from Mirror Magic:
The walking dwarf, the blue balloon jumper and the dwarf with five balloons.
-Thanks to Karl Hörnell for some additional toon graphics taken from "Iceblox":
+Thanks to Karl Hörnell for some additional toon graphics taken from "Iceblox":
The penguin, the mole, the pig and the dragon.
Thanks to Majid Katzer for some additional sounds and music from Mirror Magic:
Thanks to Francesco Carta for the comprehensive Rocks'n'Diamonds manual.
-Thanks to Niko Böhm for the Rocks'n'Diamonds documentation wiki.
+Thanks to Niko Böhm for the Rocks'n'Diamonds documentation wiki.
Thanks to Simon Forsberg for being the moderator of the R'n'D forum.