static char tape_patch_info[MAX_OUTPUT_LINESIZE];
+static void PrintTapeReplayHeader(struct AutoPlayInfo *autoplay)
+ PrintLine("=", 79);
+ if (global.autoplay_mode == AUTOPLAY_MODE_FIX)
+ Print("Automatically fixing level tapes\n");
+ else if (global.autoplay_mode == AUTOPLAY_MODE_UPLOAD)
+ Print("Automatically uploading level tapes\n");
+ else
+ Print("Automatically playing level tapes\n");
+ PrintLine("-", 79);
+ Print("Level series identifier: '%s'\n", autoplay->leveldir->identifier);
+ Print("Level series name: '%s'\n", autoplay->leveldir->name);
+ Print("Level series author: '%s'\n", autoplay->leveldir->author);
+ Print("Number of levels: %d\n", autoplay->leveldir->levels);
+ PrintLine("=", 79);
+ Print("\n");
static void PrintTapeReplayProgress(boolean replay_finished)
static unsigned int counter_last = -1;
+static void PrintTapeReplaySummary(struct AutoPlayInfo *autoplay)
+ char *autoplay_status =
+ (autoplay->num_levels_played == autoplay->num_levels_solved &&
+ autoplay->num_levels_played > 0 ? " OK " : "WARN");
+ int autoplay_percent =
+ (autoplay->num_levels_played ?
+ autoplay->num_levels_solved * 100 / autoplay->num_levels_played : 0);
+ int i;
+ Print("\n");
+ PrintLine("=", 79);
+ Print("Number of levels played: %d\n", autoplay->num_levels_played);
+ Print("Number of levels solved: %d (%d%%)\n", autoplay->num_levels_solved,
+ (autoplay->num_levels_played ?
+ autoplay->num_levels_solved * 100 / autoplay->num_levels_played : 0));
+ if (global.autoplay_mode == AUTOPLAY_MODE_FIX)
+ Print("Number of tapes fixed: %d\n", autoplay->num_tapes_patched);
+ PrintLine("-", 79);
+ Print("Summary (for automatic parsing by scripts):\n");
+ if (autoplay->tape_filename)
+ {
+ Print("TAPEFILE [%s] '%s', %d, %d, %d",
+ autoplay_status,
+ autoplay->leveldir->identifier,
+ autoplay->last_level_nr,
+ game.score_final,
+ game.score_time_final);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Print("LEVELDIR [%s] '%s', SOLVED %d/%d (%d%%)",
+ autoplay_status,
+ autoplay->leveldir->identifier,
+ autoplay->num_levels_solved,
+ autoplay->num_levels_played,
+ autoplay_percent);
+ if (autoplay->num_levels_played != autoplay->num_levels_solved)
+ {
+ Print(", FAILED:");
+ for (i = 0; i < MAX_TAPES_PER_SET; i++)
+ if (autoplay->level_failed[i])
+ Print(" %03d", i);
+ }
+ }
+ Print("\n");
+ PrintLine("=", 79);
static FILE *tape_log_file;
static void OpenTapeLogfile(void)
autoplay.level_nr = autoplay.leveldir->first_level;
- PrintLine("=", 79);
- if (global.autoplay_mode == AUTOPLAY_MODE_FIX)
- Print("Automatically fixing level tapes\n");
- else if (global.autoplay_mode == AUTOPLAY_MODE_UPLOAD)
- Print("Automatically uploading level tapes\n");
- else
- Print("Automatically playing level tapes\n");
- PrintLine("-", 79);
- Print("Level series identifier: '%s'\n", autoplay.leveldir->identifier);
- Print("Level series name: '%s'\n", autoplay.leveldir->name);
- Print("Level series author: '%s'\n", autoplay.leveldir->author);
- Print("Number of levels: %d\n", autoplay.leveldir->levels);
- PrintLine("=", 79);
- Print("\n");
+ PrintTapeReplayHeader(&autoplay);
for (i = 0; i < MAX_TAPES_PER_SET; i++)
autoplay.level_failed[i] = FALSE;
- char *autoplay_status =
- (autoplay.num_levels_played == autoplay.num_levels_solved &&
- autoplay.num_levels_played > 0 ? " OK " : "WARN");
- int autoplay_percent =
- (autoplay.num_levels_played ?
- autoplay.num_levels_solved * 100 / autoplay.num_levels_played : 0);
- Print("\n");
- PrintLine("=", 79);
- Print("Number of levels played: %d\n", autoplay.num_levels_played);
- Print("Number of levels solved: %d (%d%%)\n", autoplay.num_levels_solved,
- (autoplay.num_levels_played ?
- autoplay.num_levels_solved * 100 / autoplay.num_levels_played : 0));
- if (global.autoplay_mode == AUTOPLAY_MODE_FIX)
- Print("Number of tapes fixed: %d\n", autoplay.num_tapes_patched);
- PrintLine("-", 79);
- Print("Summary (for automatic parsing by scripts):\n");
- if (autoplay.tape_filename)
- {
- Print("TAPEFILE [%s] '%s', %d, %d, %d",
- autoplay_status,
- autoplay.leveldir->identifier,
- autoplay.last_level_nr,
- game.score_final,
- game.score_time_final);
- }
- else
- {
- Print("LEVELDIR [%s] '%s', SOLVED %d/%d (%d%%)",
- autoplay_status,
- autoplay.leveldir->identifier,
- autoplay.num_levels_solved,
- autoplay.num_levels_played,
- autoplay_percent);
- if (autoplay.num_levels_played != autoplay.num_levels_solved)
- {
- Print(", FAILED:");
- for (i = 0; i < MAX_TAPES_PER_SET; i++)
- if (autoplay.level_failed[i])
- Print(" %03d", i);
- }
- }
- Print("\n");
- PrintLine("=", 79);
+ PrintTapeReplaySummary(&autoplay);