static boolean ConfigureJoystickMapButtonsAndAxes(SDL_Joystick *joystick)
#if defined(TARGET_SDL2)
+ static boolean bitmaps_initialized = FALSE;
+ boolean screen_initialized = FALSE;
static Bitmap *controller, *button, *axis_x, *axis_y;
Bitmap *marker;
- boolean bitmaps_initialized = FALSE;
- boolean screen_initialized = FALSE;
- const char *name = NULL;
+ char *name;
boolean success = TRUE;
boolean done = FALSE, next = FALSE;
Event event;
int alpha = 200, alpha_step = -1;
int alpha_ticks = 0;
char mapping[4096], temp[4096];
+ int font_name = FONT_TEXT_1;
+ int font_info = FONT_REQUEST;
+ int ystep1 = getFontHeight(font_name) + 2;
+ int ystep2 = getFontHeight(font_info) + 2;
int i, j;
*step, *prev_step, steps[] =
- { 370, 175, MARKER_BUTTON, "a", },
- { 410, 142, MARKER_BUTTON, "b", },
- { 334, 145, MARKER_BUTTON, "x", },
- { 372, 115, MARKER_BUTTON, "y", },
- { 176, 145, MARKER_BUTTON, "back", },
- { 230, 145, MARKER_BUTTON, "guide", },
- { 285, 145, MARKER_BUTTON, "start", },
- { 124, 220, MARKER_BUTTON, "dpleft", },
- { 160, 248, MARKER_BUTTON, "dpdown", },
- { 192, 220, MARKER_BUTTON, "dpright", },
- { 160, 192, MARKER_BUTTON, "dpup", },
- { 64, 60, MARKER_BUTTON, "leftshoulder", },
- { 102, 10, MARKER_AXIS_Y, "lefttrigger", },
- { 396, 60, MARKER_BUTTON, "rightshoulder", },
- { 360, 10, MARKER_AXIS_Y, "righttrigger", },
- { 87, 161, MARKER_BUTTON, "leftstick", },
- { 296, 230, MARKER_BUTTON, "rightstick", },
- { 87, 161, MARKER_AXIS_X, "leftx", },
- { 87, 161, MARKER_AXIS_Y, "lefty", },
- { 296, 230, MARKER_AXIS_X, "rightx", },
- { 296, 230, MARKER_AXIS_Y, "righty", },
+ { 356, 155, MARKER_BUTTON, "a", },
+ { 396, 122, MARKER_BUTTON, "b", },
+ { 320, 125, MARKER_BUTTON, "x", },
+ { 358, 95, MARKER_BUTTON, "y", },
+ { 162, 125, MARKER_BUTTON, "back", },
+ { 216, 125, MARKER_BUTTON, "guide", },
+ { 271, 125, MARKER_BUTTON, "start", },
+ { 110, 200, MARKER_BUTTON, "dpleft", },
+ { 146, 228, MARKER_BUTTON, "dpdown", },
+ { 178, 200, MARKER_BUTTON, "dpright", },
+ { 146, 172, MARKER_BUTTON, "dpup", },
+ { 50, 40, MARKER_BUTTON, "leftshoulder", },
+ { 88, -10, MARKER_AXIS_Y, "lefttrigger", },
+ { 382, 40, MARKER_BUTTON, "rightshoulder", },
+ { 346, -10, MARKER_AXIS_Y, "righttrigger", },
+ { 73, 141, MARKER_BUTTON, "leftstick", },
+ { 282, 210, MARKER_BUTTON, "rightstick", },
+ { 73, 141, MARKER_AXIS_X, "leftx", },
+ { 73, 141, MARKER_AXIS_Y, "lefty", },
+ { 282, 210, MARKER_AXIS_X, "rightx", },
+ { 282, 210, MARKER_AXIS_Y, "righty", },
unsigned int event_frame_delay = 0;
bitmaps_initialized = TRUE;
+ name = getFormattedJoystickName(SDL_JoystickName(joystick));
/* print info about the joystick we are watching */
- name = SDL_JoystickName(joystick);
- Error(ERR_DEBUG, "Watching joystick %d: (%s)\n",
- SDL_JoystickInstanceID(joystick),
- (name ? name : "(unknown joystick)"));
- Error(ERR_DEBUG, "Joystick has %d axes, %d hats, %d balls, and %d buttons\n",
+ Error(ERR_DEBUG, "watching joystick %d: (%s)\n",
+ SDL_JoystickInstanceID(joystick), name);
+ Error(ERR_DEBUG, "joystick has %d axes, %d hats, %d balls, and %d buttons\n",
SDL_JoystickNumAxes(joystick), SDL_JoystickNumHats(joystick),
SDL_JoystickNumBalls(joystick), SDL_JoystickNumButtons(joystick));
SDL_JoystickGetGUIDString(SDL_JoystickGetGUID(joystick), temp, sizeof(temp));
snprintf(mapping, sizeof(mapping), "%s,%s,platform:%s,",
- temp, name ? name : "Unknown Joystick", SDL_GetPlatform());
+ temp, name, SDL_GetPlatform());
/* loop through all steps (buttons and axes), getting joystick events */
for (i = 0; i < SDL_arraysize(steps) && !done;)
alpha_step = 1;
+ int controller_x = SX + (SXSIZE - controller->width) / 2;
+ int controller_y = SY + ystep2;
+ int marker_x = controller_x + step->x;
+ int marker_y = controller_y + step->y;
+ int ystart1 = mSY - 2 * SY + controller_y + controller->height;
+ int ystart2 = ystart1 + ystep1 + ystep2;
- DrawTextSCentered(mSY - SY + 22 * 16, FONT_REQUEST,
+ DrawTextSCentered(ystart1, font_name, name);
+ DrawTextSCentered(ystart2 + 0 * ystep2, font_info,
"Press buttons and move axes on");
- DrawTextSCentered(mSY - SY + 23 * 16, FONT_REQUEST,
+ DrawTextSCentered(ystart2 + 1 * ystep2, font_info,
"your controller when indicated.");
- DrawTextSCentered(mSY - SY + 24 * 16, FONT_REQUEST,
+ DrawTextSCentered(ystart2 + 2 * ystep2, font_info,
"(Your controller may look different.)");
- DrawTextSCentered(mSY - SY + 26 * 16, FONT_REQUEST,
+ DrawTextSCentered(ystart2 + 4 * ystep2, font_info,
"To correct a mistake,");
- DrawTextSCentered(mSY - SY + 27 * 16, FONT_REQUEST,
+ DrawTextSCentered(ystart2 + 5 * ystep2, font_info,
"press the 'back' button.");
- DrawTextSCentered(mSY - SY + 28 * 16, FONT_REQUEST,
+ DrawTextSCentered(ystart2 + 6 * ystep2, font_info,
"To skip a button or axis,");
- DrawTextSCentered(mSY - SY + 29 * 16, FONT_REQUEST,
+ DrawTextSCentered(ystart2 + 7 * ystep2, font_info,
"press the 'menu' button.");
- DrawTextSCentered(mSY - SY + 26 * 16, FONT_REQUEST,
+ DrawTextSCentered(ystart2 + 4 * ystep2, font_info,
"To correct a mistake,");
- DrawTextSCentered(mSY - SY + 27 * 16, FONT_REQUEST,
+ DrawTextSCentered(ystart2 + 5 * ystep2, font_info,
"press the 'backspace' key.");
- DrawTextSCentered(mSY - SY + 28 * 16, FONT_REQUEST,
+ DrawTextSCentered(ystart2 + 6 * ystep2, font_info,
"To skip a button or axis,");
- DrawTextSCentered(mSY - SY + 29 * 16, FONT_REQUEST,
+ DrawTextSCentered(ystart2 + 7 * ystep2, font_info,
"press the 'return' key.");
- DrawTextSCentered(mSY - SY + 30 * 16, FONT_REQUEST,
+ DrawTextSCentered(ystart2 + 8 * ystep2, font_info,
"To exit, press the 'escape' key.");
- int controller_x = + (gfx.sxsize - controller->width) / 2;
- int controller_y =;
- int marker_x = controller_x + step->x;
- int marker_y = controller_y + step->y;
BlitBitmapMasked(controller, drawto, 0, 0,
controller->width, controller->height,
controller_x, controller_y);