+ * started code cleanup of native Supaplex game engine
* integrated playing sound effects into native Supaplex game engine
-#define COMPILE_DATE_STRING "2010-03-13 15:52"
+#define COMPILE_DATE_STRING "2010-03-15 01:21"
void getGraphicSource_SP(struct GraphicInfo_SP *, int, int, int, int);
int getGraphicInfo_Delay(int);
-boolean isRandomAnimation_SP(int);
boolean isNextAnimationFrame_SP(int, int);
#include "ASM.h"
-void Mov(int *Var, int Val)
+void MovLowByte(int *p, int i)
- *Var = Val;
+ *p = (*p & 0xff00) | (i & 0xff);
-void MovLowByte(int *Var, int Val)
+void MovHighByte(int *p, int i)
- *Var = (*Var & 0xFF00) | (Val & 0xFF);
+ *p = (*p & 0xff) | ((i << 8) & 0xff00);
-void MovHighByte(int *Var, int Val)
+int LowByte(int i)
- int Tmp;
- Tmp = Val & 0x7F;
- Tmp = 0x100 * Tmp;
- if ((Val & 0x80) != 0)
- Tmp = Tmp | 0x8000;
- *Var = (*Var & 0xFF) | Tmp;
+ return (i & 0xff);
-int LowByte(int Var)
+int HighByte(int i)
- int LowByte;
- LowByte = (Var & 0xFF);
- return LowByte;
+ return ((i >> 8) & 0xff);
-int HighByte(int Var)
+int SgnHighByte(int i)
- int HighByte;
- if (Var & 0x8000)
- HighByte = ((Var & 0x7FFF) / 0x100) | 0x80;
- else
- HighByte = Var / 0x100;
- return HighByte;
+ return (signed char)HighByte(i);
-int SgnHighByte(int Var) // extends the signum to 16 bit
+int ByteToInt(byte b)
-#if 1
- short SgnHighByte;
- int SgnHighByte;
- if (Var & 0x8000)
- SgnHighByte = ((Var & 0x7FFF) / 0x100) | 0xFF80;
- else
- SgnHighByte = Var / 0x100;
- return SgnHighByte;
-int SHL(int *Var, int Count)
- int SHL;
- int i;
- for (i = 1; i <= Count; i++)
- {
- *Var = *Var & 0x7FFF;
- if ((*Var & 0x4000) != 0)
- *Var = (2 * (*Var & 0x3FFF)) | 0x8000;
- else
- *Var = 2 * *Var;
- }
- return SHL;
-int SHR(int *Var, int Count)
- int SHR;
- int i;
- if (*Var & 0x8000)
- *Var = ((*Var & 0x7FFF) / 2) | 0x4000;
- else
- *Var = *Var / 2;
- for (i = 2; i <= Count; i++)
- *Var = *Var / 2;
- return SHR;
-int ByteToInt(byte B)
- int ByteToInt;
- if ((B & 0x80) == 0x80)
- ByteToInt = -(0xFF - B + 1);
- else
- ByteToInt = B;
- return ByteToInt;
-byte IntToByte(int i)
- byte IntToByte;
- IntToByte = (byte)(i & 0xFF);
- return IntToByte;
+ return (signed char)b;
#include "global.h"
-#define ByteMask (0xFF)
-extern void Mov(int *Var, int Val);
-extern void MovLowByte(int *Var, int Val);
-extern void MovHighByte(int *Var, int Val);
-extern int LowByte(int Var);
-extern int HighByte(int Var);
-extern int SgnHighByte(int Var);
-extern int SHL(int *Var, int Count);
-extern int SHR(int *Var, int Count);
-extern int ByteToInt(byte B);
-extern byte IntToByte(int i);
+extern void MovLowByte(int *, int);
+extern void MovHighByte(int *, int);
+extern int LowByte(int);
+extern int HighByte(int);
+extern int SgnHighByte(int);
+extern int ByteToInt(byte);
#endif /* ASM_H */
+++ /dev/null
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// BitMapObject.c
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "BitMapObject.h"
-// static void ConvertToVBPalette();
-static long Get_ByteWidth();
-static long Get_LineLength();
-static void ReDimArrays();
-// --- VERSION 1.0 CLASS
-// --- BEGIN
-// --- MultiUse = -1 'True // True
-// --- Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable // NotPersistable
-// --- DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone // vbNone
-// --- DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone // vbNone
-// --- MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject // NotAnMTSObject
-// --- END
-// static char *VB_Name = "BitMapObject";
-// static boolean VB_GlobalNameSpace = False;
-// static boolean VB_Creatable = True;
-// static boolean VB_PredeclaredId = False;
-// static boolean VB_Exposed = False;
-// --- Option Explicit
-// info von http://web.usxchange.net/elmo/bmp.htm
-// A BMP file consists of the four following parts:
-// 3.A color table of RGBQUAD structures (1, 4 & 8 bit only)
-// 4.An array of bytes for the actual image data
-// 1.bfType
-// Declared an unsigned integer. But, this is just to reserve space for 2 bytes.
-// The 2 bytes must be the 2 characters BM to indicate a BitMap file.
-// 2.bfSize
-// Total size of file in bytes.
-// 3.bfReserved1
-// Always zero (ignore).
-// 4.bfReserved2
-// Always zero (ignore).
-// 5.bfOffBits
-// Specifies the byte offset from the BITMAPFILEHEADER structure to the actual bitmap data in the file.
-// ::: #ifndef HAS_BitmapFileHeaderType
-// ::: typedef struct // { /* bmfh */
-// ::: {
-// ::: byte bfTypeB;
-// ::: byte bfTypeM;
-// ::: long bfSize;
-// ::: int bfReserved1;
-// ::: int bfReserved2;
-// ::: long bfOffBits;
-// ::: } BitmapFileHeaderType;
-// ::: #define HAS_BitmapFileHeaderType
-// ::: #endif
-// 1.biSize
-// Size of BITMAPINFOHEADER structure (should always be 40).
-// 2.biWidth
-// Width of image in pixels.
-// 3.biHeight
-// Height of image in pixels.
-// 4.biPlanes
-// Always one (ignore).
-// 5.biBitCount
-// Specifies the number of bits per pixel. This value must be 1, 4, 8, or 24.
-// 6.biCompression
-// Specifies the type of compression.
-// 1.BI_RGB No compression.
-// 2.BI_RLE8 8 bit RLE
-// 3.BI_RLE4 4 bit RLE
-// 7.biSizeImage
-// Specifies the size, in bytes, of the image data. May be zero if the bitmap is in the BI_RGB format.
-// 8.biXPelsPerMeter
-// Ignore.
-// 9.biYPelsPerMeter
-// Ignore.
-// 10.biClrUsed
-// Specifies the number of color indices in the color table. Zero indicaes the bitmap uses the maximum number of colors corresponding to the value of the
-// biBitCount member e.g. 8 bit -> 256 colors.
-// The maximum number of colors = 2N. Where N = biBitCount. 2N is the same as 1 << N. The same as you can get powers of 10 by shifting the decimal point
-// in a decimal number, only it is binary.
-// 11.biClrImportant
-// Ignore.
-// ::: #ifndef HAS_BitmapInfoHeaderType
-// ::: typedef struct // { /* bmih */
-// ::: {
-// ::: long biSize;
-// ::: long biWidth;
-// ::: long biHeight;
-// ::: int biPlanes;
-// ::: int biBitCount;
-// ::: long biCompression;
-// ::: long biSizeImage;
-// ::: long biXPelsPerMeter;
-// ::: long biYPelsPerMeter;
-// ::: long biClrUsed;
-// ::: long biClrImportant;
-// ::: } BitmapInfoHeaderType;
-// ::: #define HAS_BitmapInfoHeaderType
-// ::: #endif
-// 3.A color table of RGBQUAD structures (1, 4 & 8 bit only)
-// RGBQUAD structure is self explanatory.
-// ::: #ifndef HAS_RGBQUADType
-// ::: typedef struct // { /* rgbq */
-// ::: {
-// ::: byte rgbBlue;
-// ::: byte rgbGreen;
-// ::: byte rgbRed;
-// ::: byte rgbReserved;
-// ::: } RGBQUADType;
-// ::: #define HAS_RGBQUADType
-// ::: #endif
-RGBQUADType *ColorTable;
-long *VBPalette;
-// 4.An array of bytes for the actual image data
-// Bits per pixel & compression determined by biBitCount & biCompression.
-byte *ImageDataBytes;
-// ######################################################################################################
-BitmapFileHeaderType BMFH;
-BitmapInfoHeaderType BMIH;
-static long Get_LineLength()
- static long LineLength;
- LineLength = 4 * (((Get_ByteWidth() - 1) / 4) + 1);
- return LineLength;
-static long Get_ByteWidth()
- static long ByteWidth;
- ByteWidth = BMIH.biWidth * BMIH.biBitCount / 8;
- return ByteWidth;
-void BitMapObject_CreateAtSize(long XPixels, long YPixels, long BitsPerPixel)
- {
- BMIH.biWidth = XPixels;
- BMIH.biHeight = YPixels;
- BMIH.biSize = 40;
- BMIH.biBitCount = BitsPerPixel;
- BMIH.biClrUsed = (1 << BMIH.biBitCount);
- BMIH.biPlanes = 1;
- BMIH.biClrImportant = BMIH.biClrUsed;
- BMIH.biCompression = 0;
- }
- {
- BMFH.bfTypeB = 0x42; // B'
- BMFH.bfTypeM = 0x4D; // M'
- }
- ReDimArrays();
-#if 0
-void BitMapObject_CreateFromFile(char *Path)
- long FNum;
- FNum = FreeFile();
- if (! FileExists(Path))
- return;
- if (FileLen(Path) < (Len(BMFH) + Len(BMIH)))
- return;
- FNum = fopen(Path, "rb");
- FILE_GET(FNum, -1, &BMFH, sizeof(BMFH));
- FILE_GET(FNum, -1, &BMIH, sizeof(BMIH));
- ReDimArrays();
- {
- if (BMIH.biCompression != 0)
- {
- Err.Raise(600, "BitMapObject", "Cannot read compressed BMP files");
- fclose(FNum);
- return;
- }
- if (BMIH.biBitCount < 9)
- {
- FILE_GET(FNum, -1, &ColorTable, sizeof(ColorTable));
- }
- }
- FILE_GET(FNum, 1 + BMFH.bfOffBits, &ImageDataBytes, sizeof(ImageDataBytes));
- fclose(FNum);
- if (BMIH.biBitCount < 9)
- ConvertToVBPalette();
-void BitMapObject_SaveToFile(char *Path)
- FILE *FNum;
- BMFH.bfOffBits = Len(BMFH) + Len(BMIH);
- if (BMIH.biBitCount < 9)
- BMFH.bfOffBits = BMFH.bfOffBits + ((1 << BMIH.biBitCount)) * Len(ColorTable[0]);
- BMIH.biSizeImage = Get_LineLength() * BMIH.biHeight;
- BMFH.bfSize = BMFH.bfOffBits + BMIH.biSizeImage;
- // FNum = FreeFile();
- FNum = fopen(Path, "wb");
- FILE_PUT(FNum, -1, &BMFH, sizeof(BMFH));
- FILE_PUT(FNum, -1, &BMIH, sizeof(BMIH));
- if (BMIH.biBitCount < 9)
- {
- FILE_PUT(FNum, -1, &ColorTable, sizeof(ColorTable));
- }
- FILE_PUT(FNum, -1, &ImageDataBytes, sizeof(ImageDataBytes));
- fclose(FNum);
-static void ConvertToVBPalette()
- long ColMax, i;
- ColMax = UBound(ColorTable);
- for (i = 0; i <= ColMax; i++)
- {
- {
- VBPalette[i] = RGB(ColorTable[i].rgbRed, ColorTable[i].rgbGreen, ColorTable[i].rgbBlue);
- }
- }
-static void ReDimArrays()
- {
- if (BMIH.biBitCount < 9)
- {
- BMIH.biClrUsed = (1 << BMIH.biBitCount);
- ColorTable = REDIM_1D(sizeof(RGBQUADType), 0, BMIH.biClrUsed - 1);
- VBPalette = REDIM_1D(sizeof(long), 0, BMIH.biClrUsed - 1);
- }
- if (0 < Get_LineLength() && 0 < BMIH.biHeight)
- {
- ImageDataBytes = REDIM_2D(sizeof(byte), 0, Get_LineLength() - 1, 0, BMIH.biHeight - 1);
- }
- }
-long BitMapObject_Get_Palette(long Index)
- long Palette;
- Palette = VBPalette[Index];
- return Palette;
-void BitMapObject_Let_Palette(long Index, long NewVal)
- VBPalette[Index] = NewVal & 0xFFFFFF;
- {
- ColorTable[Index].rgbRed = (NewVal & 0xFF) / 0x1;
- ColorTable[Index].rgbGreen = (NewVal & 0xFF00) / 0x100;
- ColorTable[Index].rgbBlue = (NewVal & 0xFF0000) / 0x10000;
- }
-long BitMapObject_Get_ColorsUsed()
- long ColorsUsed;
- if (BMIH.biBitCount < 9)
- {
- ColorsUsed = (1 << BMIH.biBitCount);
- }
- else
- {
- ColorsUsed = 0;
- }
- return ColorsUsed;
-#if 0
-long BitMapObject_Get_ColorIndex(long X, long Y)
- long ColorIndex;
- long ColIndex, NewX, BitPos, nY;
- if (8 < BMIH.biBitCount)
- {
- Err.Raise(600, "BitmapObject", "I have ! Palette in this ColorDepthMode");
- ColorIndex = -1;
- return ColorIndex;
- }
- nY = BMIH.biHeight - 1 - Y;
- switch (BMIH.biBitCount)
- {
- case 1:
- ColIndex = ImageDataBytes[X / 8, nY];
- BitPos = 7 - (X % 8);
- NewX = (1 << BitPos);
- if ((NewX && ColIndex) == 0)
- {
- ColorIndex = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- ColorIndex = 1;
- }
- break;
- case 4:
- ColIndex = ImageDataBytes[X / 2, nY];
- if ((X % 2) == 0)
- {
- ColorIndex = (ColIndex & 0xF0) / 0x10;
- }
- else
- {
- ColorIndex = (ColIndex & 0xF);
- }
- break;
- case 8:
- ColorIndex = ImageDataBytes[X, nY];
- break;
- default:
- Err.Raise(600, "BitmapObject", "Invalid bpx value");
- break;
- }
- return ColorIndex;
-void BitMapObject_Let_ColorIndex(long X, long Y, long ColorIndex)
- long ColIndex, ByteVal, NewX, BitPos, nY;
- if (8 < BMIH.biBitCount)
- {
- Err.Raise(600, "BitmapObject", "I have ! Palette in this ColorDepthMode");
- return;
- }
- nY = BMIH.biHeight - 1 - Y;
- switch (BMIH.biBitCount)
- {
- case 1:
- ByteVal = ImageDataBytes[X / 8, nY];
- BitPos = 7 - (X % 8);
- NewX = (1 << BitPos);
- ColIndex = ColorIndex * NewX;
- if (ColIndex == 0)
- {
- ByteVal = (ByteVal & (! NewX));
- }
- else
- {
- ByteVal = (ByteVal | NewX);
- }
- ImageDataBytes[X / 8, nY] = ByteVal;
- break;
- case 4:
- ByteVal = ImageDataBytes[X / 2, nY];
- if ((X % 2) == 0)
- {
- ByteVal = (ByteVal & 0xF) + ColorIndex * 0x10;
- }
- else
- {
- ByteVal = (ByteVal & 0xF0) + ColorIndex;
- }
- ImageDataBytes[X / 2, nY] = ByteVal;
- break;
- case 8:
- ImageDataBytes[X, nY] = ColorIndex;
- break;
- case 24:
- Err.Raise(600, "BitmapObject", "Invalid bpx value");
- break;
- }
-long BitMapObject_Get_Point(long X, long Y)
- long Point;
- long ColIndex, NewX, BitPos, nY;
- nY = BMIH.biHeight - 1 - Y;
- switch (BMIH.biBitCount)
- {
- case 1:
- ColIndex = ImageDataBytes[X / 8, nY];
- BitPos = 7 - (X % 8);
- NewX = (1 << BitPos);
- if ((NewX && ColIndex) == 0)
- {
- ColIndex = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- ColIndex = 1;
- }
- Point = VBPalette[ColIndex];
- break;
- case 4:
- ColIndex = ImageDataBytes[X / 2, nY];
- if ((X % 2) == 0)
- {
- ColIndex = (ColIndex & 0xF0) / 0x10;
- }
- else
- {
- ColIndex = (ColIndex & 0xF);
- }
- Point = VBPalette[ColIndex];
- break;
- case 8:
- ColIndex = ImageDataBytes[X, nY];
- Point = VBPalette[ColIndex];
- break;
- case 24:
- NewX = 3 * X;
- Point = ImageDataBytes[NewX, nY] * 0x10000;
- Point = Point + ImageDataBytes[NewX + 1, nY] * 0x100;
- Point = Point + ImageDataBytes[NewX + 2, nY];
- break;
- default:
- Err.Raise(600, "BitmapObject", "Invalid bpx value");
- break;
- }
- return Point;
-void BitMapObject_Let_Point(long X, long Y, long NewColor)
- long ColIndex, ByteVal, NewX, BitPos, nY;
- nY = BMIH.biHeight - 1 - Y;
- switch (BMIH.biBitCount)
- {
- case 1:
- ColIndex = GetPaletteIndex(NewColor);
- ByteVal = ImageDataBytes[X / 8][nY];
- BitPos = 7 - (X % 8);
- NewX = (1 << BitPos);
- ColIndex = ColIndex * NewX;
- if (ColIndex == 0)
- {
- ByteVal = (ByteVal & (! NewX));
- }
- else
- {
- ByteVal = (ByteVal | NewX);
- }
- ImageDataBytes[X / 8][nY] = ByteVal;
- break;
- case 4:
- ColIndex = GetPaletteIndex(NewColor);
- ByteVal = ImageDataBytes[X / 2][nY];
- if ((X % 2) == 0)
- {
- ByteVal = (ByteVal & 0xF) + ColIndex * 0x10;
- }
- else
- {
- ByteVal = (ByteVal & 0xF0) + ColIndex;
- }
- ImageDataBytes[X / 2][nY] = ByteVal;
- break;
- case 8:
- ImageDataBytes[X][nY] = GetPaletteIndex(NewColor);
- break;
- case 24:
- NewX = 3 * X;
- ImageDataBytes[NewX][nY] = (NewColor & 0xFF0000) / 0x10000; // B
- ImageDataBytes[NewX + 1][nY] = (NewColor & 0xFF00) / 0x100; // G
- ImageDataBytes[NewX + 2][nY] = (NewColor & 0xFF); // R
- break;
- default:
- Err.Raise(600, "BitmapObject", "Invalid bpx value");
- break;
- }
-int BitMapObject_GetPaletteIndex(long Color)
- int GetPaletteIndex;
- long i, ColMax;
- ColMax = UBound(VBPalette);
- for (i = 0; i <= ColMax; i++)
- {
- if (VBPalette[i] == Color)
- break;
- }
- if (ColMax < i) // Error - Color not in Palette!
- i = -1;
- GetPaletteIndex = i;
- return GetPaletteIndex;
-long BitMapObject_Get_Width()
- long Width;
- Width = BMIH.biWidth;
- return Width;
-long BitMapObject_Get_Height()
- long Height;
- Height = BMIH.biHeight;
- return Height;
-#if 0
-BitMapObject BitMapObject_GetStretchCopy(float StretchVal)
- BitMapObject GetStretchCopy;
- long nWidth, nHeight, iX, iY;
- // GetStretchCopy = New BitMapObject; // (handle this later, if needed)
- nWidth = StretchVal * BMIH.biWidth;
- nHeight = StretchVal * BMIH.biHeight;
- GetStretchCopy.CreateAtSize(nWidth, nHeight, CLng(BMIH.biBitCount));
- nWidth = nWidth - 1;
- nHeight = nHeight - 1;
- for (iX = 0; iX <= BMIH.biClrUsed - 1; iX++)
- {
- GetStretchCopy.Let_Palette(iX, Palette(iX));
- }
- for (iY = 0; iY <= nHeight; iY++)
- {
- for (iX = 0; iX <= nWidth; iX++)
- {
- GetStretchCopy.Let_ColorIndex(iX, iY, ColorIndex((int)(iX / StretchVal), (int)(iY / StretchVal)));
- }
- }
- return GetStretchCopy;
+++ /dev/null
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// BitMapObject.h
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "vb_types.h"
-#include "vb_defs.h"
-#include "vb_vars.h"
-#include "vb_lib.h"
-#include "global.h"
-#ifndef HAS_BitmapFileHeaderType
-typedef struct // { /* bmfh */
- byte bfTypeB;
- byte bfTypeM;
- long bfSize;
- int bfReserved1;
- int bfReserved2;
- long bfOffBits;
-} BitmapFileHeaderType;
-#define HAS_BitmapFileHeaderType
-#ifndef HAS_BitmapInfoHeaderType
-typedef struct // { /* bmih */
- long biSize;
- long biWidth;
- long biHeight;
- int biPlanes;
- int biBitCount;
- long biCompression;
- long biSizeImage;
- long biXPelsPerMeter;
- long biYPelsPerMeter;
- long biClrUsed;
- long biClrImportant;
-} BitmapInfoHeaderType;
-#define HAS_BitmapInfoHeaderType
-#ifndef HAS_RGBQUADType
-typedef struct // { /* rgbq */
- byte rgbBlue;
- byte rgbGreen;
- byte rgbRed;
- byte rgbReserved;
-#define HAS_RGBQUADType
-extern void BitMapObject_CreateAtSize(long XPixels, long YPixels, long BitsPerPixel);
-extern void BitMapObject_CreateFromFile(char *Path);
-extern int BitMapObject_GetPaletteIndex(long Color);
-extern BitMapObject BitMapObject_GetStretchCopy(float StretchVal);
-extern long BitMapObject_Get_ColorIndex(long X, long Y);
-extern long BitMapObject_Get_ColorsUsed();
-extern long BitMapObject_Get_Height();
-extern long BitMapObject_Get_Palette(long Index);
-extern long BitMapObject_Get_Point(long X, long Y);
-extern long BitMapObject_Get_Width();
-extern void BitMapObject_Let_ColorIndex(long X, long Y, long ColorIndex);
-extern void BitMapObject_Let_Palette(long Index, long NewVal);
-extern void BitMapObject_Let_Point(long X, long Y, long NewColor);
-extern void BitMapObject_SaveToFile(char *Path);
-#endif /* BITMAPOBJECT_H */
#include "BugsTerminals.h"
-// static char *VB_Name = "modBugTerminal";
-// --- Option Explicit
-long MyGetTickCount();
byte *TerminalState;
int TerminalMaxCycles;
-#if 0
-#define aniTerminal (0x80)
// ==========================================================================
// Animate bugs
// ==========================================================================
-int subAnimateBugs(int si)
+void subAnimateBugs(int si)
- int subAnimateBugs;
- // int ax, bx, cx, dx, di;
- // int ah, bh, ch, dh, al, bl, cl, dl;
- // int cx;
-#if 0
- int graphic, sync_frame;
int bl;
if (fiBug != LowByte(PlayField16[si]))
- return subAnimateBugs;
+ return;
-#if 0
- if (0 != (TimerVar & 3))
- return subAnimateBugs;
+ bl = SgnHighByte(PlayField16[si]); // get and increment sequence number
- bl = SgnHighByte(PlayField16[si]); // get and increment sequence#
-#if 1
if ((TimerVar & 3) == 0)
bl = bl + 1;
if (bl >= 0xE)
- bl = subGetRandomNumber(); // generate new random number
+ bl = subGetRandomNumber(); // generate new random number
bl = -((bl & 0x3F) + 0x20);
- MovHighByte(&PlayField16[si], bl); // save sequence#
+ MovHighByte(&PlayField16[si], bl); // save sequence number
- bl = bl + 1;
- if (bl >= 0xE)
- {
- bl = subGetRandomNumber(); // generate new random number
- bl = -((bl & 0x3F) + 0x20);
- }
- MovHighByte(&PlayField16[si], bl); // save sequence#
- if (bl < 0) // bug sleeps / is inactive
- return subAnimateBugs;
-#if 1
- if ((TimerVar & 3) != 0)
- goto markDisplay;
+ if (bl < 0) // bug sleeps / is inactive
+ return;
// now the bug is active! Beware Murphy!
- if ((ByteMask & PlayField16[si - FieldWidth - 1]) == fiMurphy)
- goto markPlaySound;
- if ((ByteMask & PlayField16[si - FieldWidth]) == fiMurphy)
- goto markPlaySound;
- if ((ByteMask & PlayField16[si - FieldWidth + 1]) == fiMurphy)
- goto markPlaySound;
- if ((ByteMask & PlayField16[si - 1]) == fiMurphy)
- goto markPlaySound;
- if ((ByteMask & PlayField16[si + 1]) == fiMurphy)
- goto markPlaySound;
- if ((ByteMask & PlayField16[si + FieldWidth - 1]) == fiMurphy)
- goto markPlaySound;
- if ((ByteMask & PlayField16[si + FieldWidth]) == fiMurphy)
- goto markPlaySound;
+ if ((TimerVar & 3) == 0 &&
+ (LowByte(PlayField16[si - FieldWidth - 1]) == fiMurphy ||
+ LowByte(PlayField16[si - FieldWidth]) == fiMurphy ||
+ LowByte(PlayField16[si - FieldWidth + 1]) == fiMurphy ||
+ LowByte(PlayField16[si - 1]) == fiMurphy ||
+ LowByte(PlayField16[si + 1]) == fiMurphy ||
+ LowByte(PlayField16[si + FieldWidth - 1]) == fiMurphy ||
+ LowByte(PlayField16[si + FieldWidth]) == fiMurphy ||
+ LowByte(PlayField16[si + FieldWidth + 1]) == fiMurphy))
+ subSoundFX(si, fiBug, actActive); // play dangerous sound
- if ((ByteMask & PlayField16[si + FieldWidth + 1]) == fiMurphy)
- goto markPlaySound;
- goto markDisplay;
-#if 1
- subSoundFX(si, fiBug, actActive); // play dangerous sound
- subSoundFXBug(); // play dangerous sound
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-#if 1
-#if 1
-#if 0
- graphic = (bl == 0 ? aniBugActivating :
- bl == 12 ? aniBugDeactivating :
- bl == 13 ? aniBug : aniBugActive);
- sync_frame = (bl >= 1 && bl <= 11 ? (bl - 1) * 4 : 0) + (TimerVar & 3);
- // printf("::: %d [%d]\n", sync_frame, gfx.anim_random_frame);
-#if 0
- /* a general random frame treatment would be needed for _all_ animations */
- /* (DONE) */
- if (isRandomAnimation_SP(graphic) &&
- !isNextAnimationFrame_SP(graphic, sync_frame))
- return subAnimateBugs;
-#if 1
GfxGraphic[GetX(si)][GetY(si)] = (bl == 0 ? aniBugActivating :
bl == 12 ? aniBugDeactivating :
bl == 13 ? aniBug : aniBugActive);
- subCopyAnimToScreen(si, graphic, sync_frame);
- subCopyFieldToScreen(si, aniFramesBug[bl]);
- cx = aniFramesBug[bl];
- StretchedSprites.BltEx(GetStretchX(si), GetStretchY(si), cx);
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- return subAnimateBugs;
-} // subAnimateBugs
// ==========================================================================
// Animate terminals
// ==========================================================================
-int subAnimateTerminals(int si)
- int subAnimateTerminals;
- // int bl, ax, al, X, Y;
-#if 1
+void subAnimateTerminals(int si)
short bl;
- int bl, al, X, Y;
-#if 1
int lx = GetX(si);
int ly = GetY(si);
int graphic;
if (LowByte(PlayField16[si]) != fiTerminal)
- return subAnimateTerminals;
+ return;
/* use native frame handling (undo frame incrementation in main loop) */
if (game.use_native_sp_graphics_engine)
MovHighByte(&PlayField16[si], bl);
-#if 1
- if (game.use_native_sp_graphics_engine)
- return subAnimateTerminals;
- return subAnimateTerminals;
+ return;
/* calculate new random animation delay */
bl = -(subGetRandomNumber() & TerminalMaxCycles); // generate new random number
- MovHighByte(&PlayField16[si], bl); // save new sequence#
+ MovHighByte(&PlayField16[si], bl); // save new sequence number
/* check terminal state (active or inactive) */
bl = TerminalState[si] + 1;
if (bl == 8)
- {
bl = 0;
- }
else if (15 < bl)
- {
bl = 8;
- }
TerminalState[si] = bl;
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-#if 1
graphic = (bl < 8 ? aniTerminal : aniTerminalActive);
if (game.use_native_sp_graphics_engine)
GfxFrame[lx][ly] += getGraphicInfo_Delay(graphic);
-#if 1
-#if 1
- GfxGraphic[GetX(si)][GetY(si)] = (bl < 8 ? aniTerminal : aniTerminalActive);
- subCopyAnimToScreen(si, graphic, GfxFrame[lx][ly]);
- X = GetStretchX(si);
- Y = GetStretchY(si);
- StretchedSprites.BltImg(X, Y, graphic, GfxFrame[lx][ly]);
- al = aniTerminal + bl;
+ GfxGraphic[lx][ly] = (bl < 8 ? aniTerminal : aniTerminalActive);
-#if 1
- subCopyFieldToScreen(si, al);
- X = GetStretchX(si);
- Y = GetStretchY(si);
- StretchedSprites.BltEx(X, Y, al);
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- return subAnimateTerminals;
-} // subAnimateElectrons
// ==========================================================================
// Randomize random number generator
// ==========================================================================
-int subRandomize()
+void subRandomize()
- int subRandomize;
- long Tick, Tmp;
- Tick = MyGetTickCount();
- Tmp = ((Tick ^ (long)(Tick / (1 << 16))) & 0xFFFF);
- RandomSeed = 0x7FFF & Tmp;
- if ((Tmp & 0x8000) != 0)
- RandomSeed = RandomSeed | 0x8000;
-#if 0
- {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
- printf("::: TEST random number: %d\n", subGetRandomNumber());
- }
-#if 0
- printf("::: BugsTerminals.c: ========== subRandomize()\n");
+ long Tick = MyGetTickCount();
- return subRandomize;
-} // subRandomize
+ RandomSeed = (Tick ^ (Tick >> 16)) & 0xFFFF;
// ==========================================================================
int subGetRandomNumber()
- int subGetRandomNumber;
- long Tmp, RSeed;
-#if 0
- long Tst;
- RSeed = (long)(0x7FFF & RandomSeed);
- if (0x8000 == (RandomSeed & 0x8000))
- RSeed = RSeed | 0x8000;
-#if 0
- /* !!! TEST !!! */
- Tmp = 0xFFFF & (((0x5E5 * RSeed) & 0xFFFF) + 0x31);
- Tmp = 0xFFFF & (((0x5E5 * RandomSeed) & 0xFFFF) + 0x31);
-#if 0
- Tst = 0xFFFF & (((0x5E5 * RSeed) & 0xFFFF) + 0x31);
- printf("::: BugsTerminals.c: subGetRandomNumber(): %d [%ld] [%ld, %ld]\n",
- RandomSeed, RSeed, Tmp, Tst);
- if (Tmp != Tst)
- printf("::: !!!!!!!!!!\n");
- RandomSeed = 0x7FFF & Tmp;
- if ((Tmp & 0x8000) != 0)
- RandomSeed = RandomSeed | 0x8000;
- subGetRandomNumber = Tmp / 2;
+ RandomSeed = (RandomSeed * 0x5E5 + 0x31) & 0xFFFF;
+ return (RandomSeed >> 1);
// Mov ax, randomseed
// Mov bx, &H5E5
// Add ax, &H31
// Mov randomseed, ax
// shr ax,1
-#if 0
- printf("::: BugsTerminals.c: ---------- subGetRandomNumber(): %d\n",
- subGetRandomNumber);
-#if 0
- printf("::: BugsTerminals.c: subGetRandomNumber(): %d [%ld, %d]\n",
- subGetRandomNumber, Tmp, RandomSeed);
- return subGetRandomNumber;
-} // subGetRandomNumber
#include "global.h"
-extern int subAnimateBugs(int si);
-extern int subAnimateTerminals(int si);
-extern int subGetRandomNumber();
-extern int subRandomize();
extern byte *TerminalState;
extern int TerminalMaxCycles;
+extern void subAnimateBugs(int si);
+extern void subAnimateTerminals(int si);
+extern void subRandomize();
+extern int subGetRandomNumber();
#endif /* BUGSTERMINALS_H */
+++ /dev/null
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Capture.c
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "Capture.h"
-#if 0
-// static char *VB_Name = "CaptureModule";
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
-// Visual Basic 4.0 16/32 Capture Routines
-// This module contains several routines for capturing windows into a
-// picture. All the routines work on both 16 and 32 bit Windows
-// platforms.
-// The routines also have palette support.
-// CreateBitmapPicture - Creates a picture object from a bitmap and
-// palette.
-// CaptureWindow - Captures any window given a window handle.
-// CaptureActiveWindow - Captures the active window on the desktop.
-// CaptureForm - Captures the entire form.
-// CaptureClient - Captures the client area of a form.
-// CaptureScreen - Captures the entire screen.
-// PrintPictureToFitPage - prints any picture as big as possible on
-// the page.
-// - No error trapping is included in these routines.
-// ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
-// --- Option Explicit
-// --- Option Base 0
-// ::: #ifndef HAS_PALETTEENTRY
-// ::: typedef struct
-// ::: {
-// ::: byte peRed;
-// ::: byte peGreen;
-// ::: byte peBlue;
-// ::: byte peFlags;
-// ::: #define HAS_PALETTEENTRY
-// ::: #endif
-// ::: #ifndef HAS_LOGPALETTE
-// ::: typedef struct
-// ::: {
-// ::: int palVersion;
-// ::: int palNumEntries;
-// ::: PALETTEENTRY palPalEntry[255]; // Enough for 256 colors.
-// ::: } LOGPALETTE;
-// ::: #define HAS_LOGPALETTE
-// ::: #endif
-// ::: #ifndef HAS_GUID
-// ::: typedef struct
-// ::: {
-// ::: long Data1;
-// ::: int Data2;
-// ::: int Data3;
-// ::: byte Data4[7];
-// ::: } GUID;
-// ::: #define HAS_GUID
-// ::: #endif
-#if Win32
-#define RASTERCAPS (38)
-#define RC_PALETTE (0x100)
-#define SIZEPALETTE (104)
-// ::: #ifndef HAS_RECT
-// ::: typedef struct
-// ::: {
-// ::: long left;
-// ::: long top;
-// ::: long right;
-// ::: long bottom;
-// ::: } RECT;
-// ::: #define HAS_RECT
-// ::: #endif
-long CreateCompatibleDC(long hDC);
-long CreateCompatibleBitmap(long hDC, long nWidth, long nHeight);
-long GetDeviceCaps(long hDC, long iCapabilitiy);
-long GetSystemPaletteEntries(long hDC, long wStartIndex, long wNumEntries, PALETTEENTRY lpPaletteEntries);
-long CreatePalette(LOGPALETTE lpLogPalette);
-long SelectObject(long hDC, long hObject);
-long BitBlt(long hDCDest, long XDest, long YDest, long nWidth, long nHeight, long hDCSrc, long XSrc, long YSrc, long dwRop);
-long DeleteDC(long hDC);
-long GetForegroundWindow();
-long SelectPalette(long hDC, long hPalette, long bForceBackground);
-long RealizePalette(long hDC);
-long GetWindowDC(long hWnd);
-long GetDC(long hWnd);
-#if 0
-long GetWindowRect(long hWnd, RECT lpRect);
-long ReleaseDC(long hWnd, long hDC);
-long GetDesktopWindow();
-// ::: #ifndef HAS_PicBmp
-// ::: typedef struct
-// ::: {
-// ::: long Size;
-// ::: long Type;
-// ::: long hBmp;
-// ::: long hPal;
-// ::: long Reserved;
-// ::: } PicBmp;
-// ::: #define HAS_PicBmp
-// ::: #endif
-long OleCreatePictureIndirect(PicBmp PicDesc, GUID RefIID, long fPictureOwnsHandle, IPicture IPic);
-#elif Win16
-#define RASTERCAPS (38)
-#define RC_PALETTE (0x100)
-#define SIZEPALETTE (104)
-// ::: #ifndef HAS_RECT
-// ::: typedef struct
-// ::: {
-// ::: int left;
-// ::: int top;
-// ::: int right;
-// ::: int bottom;
-// ::: } RECT;
-// ::: #define HAS_RECT
-// ::: #endif
-int CreateCompatibleDC(int hDC);
-int CreateCompatibleBitmap(int hDC, int nWidth, int nHeight);
-int GetDeviceCaps(int hDC, int iCapabilitiy);
-int GetSystemPaletteEntries(int hDC, int wStartIndex, int wNumEntries, PALETTEENTRY lpPaletteEntries);
-int CreatePalette(LOGPALETTE lpLogPalette);
-int SelectObject(int hDC, int hObject);
-int BitBlt(int hDCDest, int XDest, int YDest, int nWidth, int nHeight, int hDCSrc, int XSrc, int YSrc, long dwRop);
-int DeleteDC(int hDC);
-int GetForegroundWindow();
-int SelectPalette(int hDC, int hPalette, int bForceBackground);
-int RealizePalette(int hDC);
-int GetWindowDC(int hWnd);
-int GetDC(int hWnd);
-#if 0
-int GetWindowRect(int hWnd, RECT lpRect);
-int ReleaseDC(int hWnd, int hDC);
-int GetDesktopWindow();
-// ::: #ifndef HAS_PicBmp
-// ::: typedef struct
-// ::: {
-// ::: int Size;
-// ::: int Type;
-// ::: int hBmp;
-// ::: int hPal;
-// ::: int Reserved;
-// ::: } PicBmp;
-// ::: #define HAS_PicBmp
-// ::: #endif
-int OleCreatePictureIndirect(PicBmp PictDesc, GUID RefIID, int fPictureOwnsHandle, IPicture IPic);
-// ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
-// CreateBitmapPicture
-// - Creates a bitmap type Picture object from a bitmap and
-// palette.
-// hBmp
-// - Handle to a bitmap.
-// hPal
-// - Handle to a Palette.
-// - Can be null if the bitmap doesn't use a palette.
-// Returns
-// - Returns a Picture object containing the bitmap.
-// ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
-#if Win32
-Picture CreateBitmapPicture(long hBmp, long hPal)
- Picture CreateBitmapPicture;
- long r;
-#elif Win16
-Picture CreateBitmapPicture(int hBmp, int hPal)
- Picture CreateBitmapPicture;
- int r;
- PicBmp pic;
- // IPicture requires a reference to "Standard OLE Types."
- IPicture IPic;
- GUID IID_IDispatch;
- // Fill in with IDispatch Interface ID.
- {
- IID_IDispatch.Data1 = 0x20400;
- IID_IDispatch.Data4[0] = 0xC0;
- IID_IDispatch.Data4[7] = 0x46;
- }
- // Fill Pic with necessary parts.
- {
- pic.Size = sizeof(pic); // Length of structure.
- pic.Type = vbPicTypeBitmap; // Type of Picture (bitmap).
- pic.hBmp = hBmp; // Handle to bitmap.
- pic.hPal = hPal; // Handle to palette (may be null).
- }
- // Create Picture object.
- r = OleCreatePictureIndirect(pic, IID_IDispatch, 1, IPic);
- // Return the new Picture object.
- CreateBitmapPicture = IPic;
- return CreateBitmapPicture;
-// ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
-// CaptureWindow
-// - Captures any portion of a window.
-// hWndSrc
-// - Handle to the window to be captured.
-// Client
-// - If True CaptureWindow captures from the client area of the
-// window.
-// - If False CaptureWindow captures from the entire window.
-// LeftSrc, TopSrc, WidthSrc, HeightSrc
-// - Specify the portion of the window to capture.
-// - Dimensions need to be specified in pixels.
-// Returns
-// - Returns a Picture object containing a bitmap of the specified
-// portion of the window that was captured.
-// ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
-// '''''
-#if Win32
-Picture CaptureWindow(long hWndSrc, boolean Client, long LeftSrc, long TopSrc, long WidthSrc, long HeightSrc)
- Picture CaptureWindow;
- long hDCMemory;
- long hBmp;
- long hBmpPrev;
- long r;
- long hDCSrc;
- long hPal;
- long hPalPrev;
- long RasterCapsScrn;
- long HasPaletteScrn;
- long PaletteSizeScrn;
-#elif Win16
-Picture CaptureWindow(int hWndSrc, boolean Client, int LeftSrc, int TopSrc, long WidthSrc, long HeightSrc)
- Picture CaptureWindow;
- int hDCMemory;
- int hBmp;
- int hBmpPrev;
- int r;
- int hDCSrc;
- int hPal;
- int hPalPrev;
- int RasterCapsScrn;
- int HasPaletteScrn;
- int PaletteSizeScrn;
- // Depending on the value of Client get the proper device context.
- if (Client)
- {
- hDCSrc = GetDC(hWndSrc); // Get device context for client area.
- }
- else
- {
- hDCSrc = GetWindowDC(hWndSrc); // Get device context for entire
- // window.
- }
- // Create a memory device context for the copy process.
- hDCMemory = CreateCompatibleDC(hDCSrc);
- // Create a bitmap and place it in the memory DC.
- hBmp = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hDCSrc, WidthSrc, HeightSrc);
- hBmpPrev = SelectObject(hDCMemory, hBmp);
- // Get screen properties.
- RasterCapsScrn = GetDeviceCaps(hDCSrc, RASTERCAPS); // Raster
- // capabilities.
- HasPaletteScrn = RasterCapsScrn & RC_PALETTE; // Palette
- // support.
- PaletteSizeScrn = GetDeviceCaps(hDCSrc, SIZEPALETTE); // Size of
- // palette.
- // If the screen has a palette make a copy and realize it.
- if (HasPaletteScrn && (PaletteSizeScrn == 256))
- {
- // Create a copy of the system palette.
- LogPal.palVersion = 0x300;
- LogPal.palNumEntries = 256;
- r = GetSystemPaletteEntries(hDCSrc, 0, 256, LogPal.palPalEntry[0]);
- hPal = CreatePalette(LogPal);
- // Select the new palette into the memory DC and realize it.
- hPalPrev = SelectPalette(hDCMemory, hPal, 0);
- r = RealizePalette(hDCMemory);
- }
- // Copy the on-screen image into the memory DC.
- r = BitBlt(hDCMemory, 0, 0, WidthSrc, HeightSrc, hDCSrc, LeftSrc, TopSrc, vbSrcCopy);
- // Remove the new copy of the on-screen image.
- hBmp = SelectObject(hDCMemory, hBmpPrev);
- // If the screen has a palette get back the palette that was
- // selected in previously.
- if (HasPaletteScrn && (PaletteSizeScrn == 256))
- {
- hPal = SelectPalette(hDCMemory, hPalPrev, 0);
- }
- // Release the device context resources back to the system.
- r = DeleteDC(hDCMemory);
- r = ReleaseDC(hWndSrc, hDCSrc);
- // Call CreateBitmapPicture to create a picture object from the
- // bitmap and palette handles. Then return the resulting picture
- // object.
- CaptureWindow = CreateBitmapPicture(hBmp, hPal);
- return CaptureWindow;
-// ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
-// CaptureScreen
-// - Captures the entire screen.
-// Returns
-// - Returns a Picture object containing a bitmap of the screen.
-// ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
-Picture CaptureScreen()
- Picture CaptureScreen;
-#if Win32
- long hWndScreen;
-#elif Win16
- int hWndScreen;
- // Get a handle to the desktop window.
- hWndScreen = GetDesktopWindow();
- // Call CaptureWindow to capture the entire desktop give the handle
- // and return the resulting Picture object.
- CaptureScreen = CaptureWindow(hWndScreen, False, 0, 0, Screen.Width / Screen.TwipsPerPixelX, Screen.Height / Screen.TwipsPerPixelY);
- return CaptureScreen;
-// ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
-// CaptureForm
-// - Captures an entire form including title bar and border.
-// frmSrc
-// - The Form object to capture.
-// Returns
-// - Returns a Picture object containing a bitmap of the entire
-// form.
-// ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
-Picture CaptureForm(Form frmSrc)
- Picture CaptureForm;
- // Call CaptureWindow to capture the entire form given its window
- // handle and then return the resulting Picture object.
- CaptureForm = CaptureWindow(frmSrc.hWnd, False, 0, 0, frmSrc.ScaleX(frmSrc.Width, vbTwips, vbPixels), frmSrc.ScaleY(frmSrc.Height, vbTwips, vbPixels));
- return CaptureForm;
-// ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
-// CaptureClient
-// - Captures the client area of a form.
-// frmSrc
-// - The Form object to capture.
-// Returns
-// - Returns a Picture object containing a bitmap of the form's
-// client area.
-// ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
-Picture CaptureClient(Form frmSrc)
- Picture CaptureClient;
- // Call CaptureWindow to capture the client area of the form given
- // its window handle and return the resulting Picture object.
- CaptureClient = CaptureWindow(frmSrc.hWnd, True, 0, 0, frmSrc.ScaleX(frmSrc.ScaleWidth, frmSrc.ScaleMode, vbPixels), frmSrc.ScaleY(frmSrc.ScaleHeight, frmSrc.ScaleMode, vbPixels));
- return CaptureClient;
-#if 0
-// ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
-// CaptureActiveWindow
-// - Captures the currently active window on the screen.
-// Returns
-// - Returns a Picture object containing a bitmap of the active
-// window.
-// ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
-Picture CaptureActiveWindow()
- Picture CaptureActiveWindow;
-#if Win32
- long hWndActive;
- long r;
-#elif Win16
- int hWndActive;
- int r;
- RECT RectActive;
- // Get a handle to the active/foreground window.
- hWndActive = GetForegroundWindow();
- // Get the dimensions of the window.
- r = GetWindowRect(hWndActive, RectActive);
- // Call CaptureWindow to capture the active window given its
- // handle and return the Resulting Picture object.
- CaptureActiveWindow = CaptureWindow(hWndActive, False, 0, 0, RectActive.right - RectActive.left, RectActive.bottom - RectActive.top);
- return CaptureActiveWindow;
-// ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
-// PrintPictureToFitPage
-// - Prints a Picture object as big as possible.
-// Prn
-// - Destination Printer object.
-// Pic
-// - Source Picture object.
-// ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
-void PrintPictureToFitPage(Printer Prn, Picture pic)
- #define vbHiMetric (8)
- double PicRatio;
- double PrnWidth;
- double PrnHeight;
- double PrnRatio;
- double PrnPicWidth;
- double PrnPicHeight;
- // Determine if picture should be printed in landscape or portrait
- // and set the orientation.
- if (pic.Height >= pic.Width)
- {
- Prn.Orientation = vbPRORPortrait; // Taller than wide.
- }
- else
- {
- Prn.Orientation = vbPRORLandscape; // Wider than tall.
- }
- // Calculate device independent Width-to-Height ratio for picture.
- PicRatio = pic.Width / pic.Height;
- // Calculate the dimentions of the printable area in HiMetric.
- PrnWidth = Prn.ScaleX(Prn.ScaleWidth, Prn.ScaleMode, vbHiMetric);
- PrnHeight = Prn.ScaleY(Prn.ScaleHeight, Prn.ScaleMode, vbHiMetric);
- // Calculate device independent Width to Height ratio for printer.
- PrnRatio = PrnWidth / PrnHeight;
- // Scale the output to the printable area.
- if (PicRatio >= PrnRatio)
- {
- // Scale picture to fit full width of printable area.
- PrnPicWidth = Prn.ScaleX(PrnWidth, vbHiMetric, Prn.ScaleMode);
- PrnPicHeight = Prn.ScaleY(PrnWidth / PicRatio, vbHiMetric, Prn.ScaleMode);
- }
- else
- {
- // Scale picture to fit full height of printable area.
- PrnPicHeight = Prn.ScaleY(PrnHeight, vbHiMetric, Prn.ScaleMode);
- PrnPicWidth = Prn.ScaleX(PrnHeight * PicRatio, vbHiMetric, Prn.ScaleMode);
- }
- // Print the picture using the PaintPicture method.
-#if 0
- Prn.PaintPicture(pic, 0, 0, PrnPicWidth, PrnPicHeight);
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------
+++ /dev/null
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Capture.h
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-#ifndef CAPTURE_H
-#define CAPTURE_H
-#include "vb_types.h"
-#include "vb_defs.h"
-#include "vb_vars.h"
-#include "vb_lib.h"
-#include "global.h"
-#if 0
-typedef struct
- byte peRed;
- byte peGreen;
- byte peBlue;
- byte peFlags;
-typedef struct
- int palVersion;
- int palNumEntries;
- PALETTEENTRY palPalEntry[255]; // Enough for 256 colors.
-#ifndef HAS_GUID
-typedef struct
- long Data1;
- int Data2;
- int Data3;
- byte Data4[7];
-} GUID;
-#define HAS_GUID
-#if Win32
-#ifndef HAS_RECT
-typedef struct
- long left;
- long top;
- long right;
- long bottom;
-} RECT;
-#define HAS_RECT
-#ifndef HAS_PicBmp
-typedef struct
- long Size;
- long Type;
- long hBmp;
- long hPal;
- long Reserved;
-} PicBmp;
-#define HAS_PicBmp
-#elif Win16
-#ifndef HAS_RECT
-typedef struct
- int left;
- int top;
- int right;
- int bottom;
-} RECT;
-#define HAS_RECT
-#ifndef HAS_PicBmp
-typedef struct
- int Size;
- int Type;
- int hBmp;
- int hPal;
- int Reserved;
-} PicBmp;
-#define HAS_PicBmp
-#if Win32
-#elif Win16
-#if Win32
-#elif Win16
-#if Win32
-#elif Win16
-#if Win32
-#elif Win16
-extern Picture CaptureActiveWindow();
-extern Picture CaptureClient(Form frmSrc);
-extern Picture CaptureForm(Form frmSrc);
-extern Picture CaptureScreen();
-extern Picture CaptureWindow(int hWndSrc, boolean Client, int LeftSrc, int TopSrc, long WidthSrc, long HeightSrc);
-extern Picture CreateBitmapPicture(int hBmp, int hPal);
-extern void PrintPictureToFitPage(Printer Prn, Picture pic);
-#endif /* CAPTURE_H */
#include <math.h>
-// --- VERSION 1.0 CLASS
-// --- BEGIN
-// --- MultiUse = -1 'True // True
-// --- Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable // NotPersistable
-// --- DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone // vbNone
-// --- DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone // vbNone
-// --- MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject // NotAnMTSObject
-// --- END
-// static char *VB_Name = "DDScrollBuffer";
-// static boolean VB_GlobalNameSpace = False;
-// static boolean VB_Creatable = True;
-// static boolean VB_PredeclaredId = False;
-// static boolean VB_Exposed = False;
-// --- Option Explicit
-// needs reference to: DirectX7 for Visual Basic Type Library
-DirectDrawSurface7 Buffer;
-DirectDrawSurface7 mPrimary;
long mWidth, mHeight;
long mhWnd;
long mScrollX, mScrollY;
long ScreenBuffer[MAX_BUF_XSIZE][MAX_BUF_YSIZE];
boolean redraw[MAX_BUF_XSIZE][MAX_BUF_YSIZE];
-int TEST_flag = 0;
void RestorePlayfield()
(PlayField8[tsi] << 16) |
(DisPlayField[tsi] << 24));
-#if 0
-#if 1
- printf("::: [%d] %d [%d, %d] [%d]\n", dx, sx, x, y, buf_xsize);
- if (sx == 0 || sx == MAX_BUF_XSIZE - 1)
- printf("::: %d, %d\n", dx, sx);
if ((dx == -1 && x == x2) ||
(dx == +1 && x == x1) ||
(dy == -1 && y == y2) ||
(dy == +1 && y == y1))
-#if 0
- printf("::: %d, %d\n", sx, sy);
- TEST_flag = 1;
DrawFieldNoAnimated(x, y);
DrawFieldAnimated(x, y);
- TEST_flag = 0;
ScreenBuffer[sx][sy] = id;
-#if 1
/* check if scrolling the playfield requires redrawing the viewport bitmap */
if ((mScrollX != mScrollX_last ||
mScrollY != mScrollY_last) &&
mScrollY_last -= dy * TILEY;
ScrollPlayfield(dx, dy);
-#if 0
- printf("::: %ld, %ld\n", mScrollX, mScrollY);
- }
- /* check if scrolling the playfield reached the destination tile position */
- if ((mScrollX != mScrollX_last || mScrollY != mScrollY_last) &&
- mScrollX % TILEX == 0 && mScrollY % TILEY == 0)
- {
- int dx = (mScrollX < mScrollX_last ? 1 : mScrollX > mScrollX_last ? -1 : 0);
- int dy = (mScrollY < mScrollY_last ? 1 : mScrollY > mScrollY_last ? -1 : 0);
- mScrollX_last = mScrollX;
- mScrollY_last = mScrollY;
- ScrollPlayfield(dx, dy);
-#if 0
- printf("::: %ld, %ld\n", mScrollX, mScrollY);
static void ScrollPlayfieldIfNeeded()
-void UpdatePlayfield_TMP()
- int x1 = mScrollX_last / TILEX - 2;
- int y1 = mScrollY_last / TILEY - 2;
- int x2 = mScrollX_last / TILEX + (SCR_FIELDX - 1) + 2;
- int y2 = mScrollY_last / TILEY + (SCR_FIELDY - 1) + 2;
- int x, y;
- for (y = DisplayMinY; y <= DisplayMaxY; y++)
- {
- for (x = DisplayMinX; x <= DisplayMaxX; x++)
- {
- if (x >= x1 && x <= x2 && y >= y1 && y <= y2)
- {
- int sx = x - x1;
- int sy = y - y1;
- int tsi = GetSI(x, y);
- long id = ((PlayField16[tsi]) |
- (PlayField8[tsi] << 16) |
- (DisPlayField[tsi] << 24));
- boolean redraw_screen_tile = (ScreenBuffer[sx][sy] != id);
-#if 0
- if (LowByte(PlayField16[tsi]) == fiMurphy)
- continue;
- if (redraw_screen_tile)
- {
-#if 0
- DrawFieldNoAnimated(x, y);
- DrawFieldAnimated(x, y);
- ScreenBuffer[sx][sy] = id;
- redraw[sx][sy] = TRUE;
- redraw_tiles++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
-void OLD_UpdatePlayfield()
- int x, y;
- int left = mScrollX / TILEX;
- int top = mScrollY / TILEY;
- for (y = top; y < top + MAX_BUF_YSIZE; y++)
- {
- for (x = left; x < left + MAX_BUF_XSIZE; x++)
- {
- int sx = x % MAX_BUF_XSIZE;
- int sy = y % MAX_BUF_YSIZE;
- int tsi = GetSI(x, y);
- long id = ((PlayField16[tsi]) |
- (PlayField8[tsi] << 16) |
- (DisPlayField[tsi] << 24));
- boolean redraw_screen_tile = (ScreenBuffer[sx][sy] != id);
- if (redraw_screen_tile)
- {
- DrawFieldNoAnimated(x, y);
- DrawFieldAnimated(x, y);
- ScreenBuffer[sx][sy] = id;
- redraw[sx][sy] = TRUE;
- redraw_tiles++;
- }
- }
- }
-void DDScrollBuffer_Let_DestXOff(long NewVal)
- mDestXOff = NewVal;
-long DDScrollBuffer_Get_DestXOff()
- long DestXOff;
- DestXOff = mDestXOff;
- return DestXOff;
-void DDScrollBuffer_Let_DestYOff(long NewVal)
- mDestYOff = NewVal;
-long DDScrollBuffer_Get_DestYOff()
- long DestYOff;
- DestYOff = mDestYOff;
- return DestYOff;
-DirectDrawSurface7 DDScrollBuffer_Get_Surface()
- DirectDrawSurface7 Surface;
- Surface = Buffer;
- return Surface;
-long DDScrollBuffer_Get_Width()
- long Width;
- Width = mWidth;
- return Width;
-int DDScrollBuffer_Get_Height()
- int Height;
- Height = mHeight;
- return Height;
-#if 0
-long DDScrollBuffer_CreateAtSize(long Width, long Height, long hWndViewPort)
- long CreateAtSize;
- CreateAtSize = 0;
- mhWnd = hWndViewPort;
- // Create ScrollBuffer:
- {
- SD.LWidth = Width;
- SD.LHeight = Height;
- }
- // --- On Error Resume Next
- Buffer = DDraw.CreateSurface(SD);
- if (Err.Number != 0)
- return CreateAtSize;
- // --- On Error GoTo 0
- mWidth = Width;
- mHeight = Height;
- mScrollX = 0;
- mScrollY = 0;
- CreateAtSize = -1;
- return CreateAtSize;
-void DDScrollBuffer_Cls(int BackColor)
- RECT EmptyRect;
- if (NoDisplayFlag)
- return;
- Buffer.BltColorFill(EmptyRect, BackColor);
/* copy the entire screen to the window at the scroll position */
void BlitScreenToBitmap_SP(Bitmap *target_bitmap)
-#if 0
- int px = 2 * TILEX + mScrollX % TILEX;
- int py = 2 * TILEY + mScrollY % TILEY;
int px = 2 * TILEX + (mScrollX - mScrollX_last) % TILEX;
int py = 2 * TILEY + (mScrollY - mScrollY_last) % TILEY;
int sx, sy, sxsize, sysize;
-#if 0
- if (mScrollX % TILEX != (mScrollX - mScrollX_last) % TILEX ||
- mScrollY % TILEY != (mScrollY - mScrollY_last) % TILEY)
- printf("::: %ld, %ld / %ld, %ld\n",
- mScrollX, mScrollY, mScrollX_last, mScrollY_last);
-#if 1
int xsize = SXSIZE;
int ysize = SYSIZE;
int full_xsize = (FieldWidth - (menBorder.Checked ? 0 : 1)) * TILEX;
sysize = (full_ysize < ysize ? full_ysize : ysize);
sx = SX + (full_xsize < xsize ? (xsize - full_xsize) / 2 : 0);
sy = SY + (full_ysize < ysize ? (ysize - full_ysize) / 2 : 0);
-#if 0
- {
- static int mScrollX_tmp = -1;
- static int mScrollY_tmp = -1;
- if (mScrollX != mScrollX_tmp || mScrollY != mScrollY_tmp)
- {
- printf("::: %ld, %ld\n", mScrollX, mScrollY);
- mScrollX_tmp = mScrollX;
- mScrollY_tmp = mScrollY;
- }
- }
-#if 0
- {
- static boolean x = 0;
- if (x == 0)
- {
- printf("::: %d, %d (%d, %d) (%d, %d) [%ld, %ld] [%ld, %ld] \n",
- sx, sy, xsize, ysize, full_xsize, full_ysize,
- mScrollX, mScrollY, mScrollX_last, mScrollY_last);
- x = 1;
- }
- }
-#if 1
if (!menBorder.Checked)
px += TILEX / 2;
py += TILEY / 2;
-#if 0
- if (mScrollX >= 0 && mScrollX <= 16)
- {
- px -= mScrollX;
- }
-#if 0
- else if (mScrollX >= 352 && mScrollX <= 368)
- {
- px -= mScrollX;
- }
- else if (mScrollX >= 16) // && mScrollX <= 352)
- {
- px -= TILEX / 2;
- }
-#if 0
- /* !!! TEST ONLY !!! */
- px = py = 0;
- sx = sy = SX;
BlitBitmap(screenBitmap, target_bitmap, px, py, sxsize, sysize, sx, sy);
-void OLD_BlitScreenToBitmap_SP(Bitmap *target_bitmap)
- int x = mScrollX % (MAX_BUF_XSIZE * TILEX);
- int y = mScrollY % (MAX_BUF_YSIZE * TILEY);
- if (x < 2 * TILEX && y < 2 * TILEY)
- {
- BlitBitmap(screenBitmap, target_bitmap, x, y,
- }
- else if (x < 2 * TILEX && y >= 2 * TILEY)
- {
- BlitBitmap(screenBitmap, target_bitmap, x, y,
- SX, SY);
- BlitBitmap(screenBitmap, target_bitmap, x, 0,
- }
- else if (x >= 2 * TILEX && y < 2 * TILEY)
- {
- BlitBitmap(screenBitmap, target_bitmap, x, y,
- SX, SY);
- BlitBitmap(screenBitmap, target_bitmap, 0, y,
- }
- else
- {
- BlitBitmap(screenBitmap, target_bitmap, x, y,
- SX, SY);
- BlitBitmap(screenBitmap, target_bitmap, 0, y,
- x - 2 * TILEX, MAX_BUF_YSIZE * TILEY - y,
- BlitBitmap(screenBitmap, target_bitmap, x, 0,
- MAX_BUF_XSIZE * TILEX - x, y - 2 * TILEY,
- BlitBitmap(screenBitmap, target_bitmap, 0, 0,
- x - 2 * TILEX, y - 2 * TILEY,
- }
void BackToFront_SP(void)
static boolean scrolling_last = FALSE;
if (1 ||
redraw_tiles > REDRAWTILES_THRESHOLD || scrolling || scrolling_last)
-#if 1
- /* blit all (up to four) parts of the scroll buffer to the backbuffer */
- BlitScreenToBitmap_SP(backbuffer);
- /* blit the completely updated backbuffer to the window (in one blit) */
- BlitBitmap(backbuffer, window, SX, SY, SXSIZE, SYSIZE, SX, SY);
scrolling_last = scrolling;
-void DDScrollBuffer_Blt_Ext(Bitmap *target_bitmap)
-#if 1
- long tX, tY;
- long tX, tY, L;
- int sX, sY;
- // RECT ERect;
- // long Restore;
- if (NoDisplayFlag)
- return;
-#if 1
- DR.left = 0;
- DR.top = 0;
- DR.right = SCR_FIELDX * TILEX;
- DR.bottom = SCR_FIELDY * TILEY;
- // --- On Error GoTo BltEH
- DirectX.GetWindowRect(mhWnd, DR);
- // --- On Error GoTo 0
- {
- tX = (DR.right - DR.left) / Stretch;
- tY = (DR.bottom - DR.top) / Stretch;
- }
- {
- SR.left = mScrollX + mDestXOff;
- SR.top = mScrollY + mDestYOff;
- SR.right = SR.left + tX;
- SR.bottom = SR.top + tY;
- // If mWidth < SR.right Then
- // SR.right = mWidth
- // DR.right = DR.left + Stretch * (SR.right - SR.left)
- // End If
- // If mHeight < SR.bottom Then
- // SR.bottom = mHeight
- // DR.bottom = DR.top + Stretch * (SR.bottom - SR.top)
- // End If
- // If (mScrollX + mDestXOff) < 0 Then
- // SR.left = 0
- // DR.left = DR.left - Stretch * (mScrollX + mDestXOff)
- // End If
- // If (mScrollY + mDestYOff) < 0 Then
- // SR.top = 0
- // DR.top = DR.top - Stretch * (mScrollY + mDestYOff)
- // End If
- }
-#if 1
- SR.left = (SR.left < 0 ? 0 : SR.left);
- SR.top = (SR.top < 0 ? 0 : SR.top);
-#if 1
- {
- int full_xsize = (FieldWidth - (menBorder.Checked ? 0 : 1)) * TILEX;
- int full_ysize = (FieldHeight - (menBorder.Checked ? 0 : 1)) * TILEY;
- int sxsize = SCR_FIELDX * TILEX;
- int sysize = SCR_FIELDY * TILEY;
- tX = (full_xsize < sxsize ? full_xsize : tX);
- tY = (full_ysize < sysize ? full_ysize : tY);
- sX = SX + (full_xsize < sxsize ? (sxsize - full_xsize) / 2 : 0);
- sY = SY + (full_ysize < sysize ? (sysize - full_ysize) / 2 : 0);
- }
-#if 1
- if (!menBorder.Checked)
- {
- SR.left += TILEX / 2;
- SR.top += TILEY / 2;
- }
-#if 1
-#if 1
- printf("::: DDScrollBuffer.c: DDScrollBuffer_Blt(): blit from %d, %d [%ld, %ld] [%ld, %ld] [%ld, %ld]\n",
- SR.left, SR.top, mScrollX, mScrollY, mDestXOff, mDestYOff, tX, tY);
-#if 0
- /* !!! quick and dirty -- FIX THIS !!! */
- if (tape.playing && tape.fast_forward &&
- target_bitmap == window &&
- (FrameCounter % 2) != 0)
- printf("::: FrameCounter == %d\n", FrameCounter);
-#if 1
- SyncDisplay();
-#if 1
- BlitBitmap(screenBitmap, target_bitmap,
- SR.left, SR.top, tX, tY, sX, sY);
- BlitBitmap(screenBitmap, target_bitmap,
- SR.left, SR.top,
-#if 1
- FlushDisplay();
- return;
- // DDraw.WaitForVerticalBlank DDWAITVB_BLOCKBEGIN, 0
- if (IS_NOTHING(&Buffer, sizeof(Buffer)))
- return;
-#if 0
- if (IS_NOTHING(&PrimarySurface, sizeof(PrimarySurface)))
- return;
-#if 0
- L = PrimarySurface.Blt(DR, &Buffer, SR, DDBLT_WAIT);
- if (L != DD_OK)
- {
- switch (L)
- {
-#if 0
- Debug.Assert(False);
- break;
- Debug.Assert(False);
- break;
- Debug.Assert(False);
- break;
- Debug.Assert(False);
- break;
- Debug.Assert(False);
- break;
- Debug.Assert(False);
- break;
- Debug.Assert(False);
- break;
- Debug.Assert(False);
- break;
- Debug.Assert(False);
- break;
- Debug.Assert(False);
- break;
- Debug.Assert(False);
- break;
- Debug.Assert(False);
- break;
- Debug.Assert(False);
- break;
- Debug.Assert(False);
- break;
- Debug.Assert(False);
- break;
-#if 0
- DDraw.RestoreAllSurfaces();
- if (! PrimarySurface.isLost())
- {
- subDisplayLevel();
- // Blt();
- }
- // RestorePrimarySurface
- // ClipToWindow 0
- break;
-#if 0
- Debug.Assert(False);
- break;
- Debug.Assert(False);
- break;
- default:
- Debug.Assert(False);
- break;
- }
- }
-#if 0
- // Buffer.UpdateOverlay SR, PrimarySurface, DR, DDOVER_SHOW
- if (EditFlag)
- FMark.RefreshMarker();
- // BltEH:
void DDScrollBuffer_Blt()
-#if 1
-#if 1
- /* !!! TEST ONLY !!! */
- BlitBitmap(screenBitmap, window,
- DDScrollBuffer_Blt_Ext(window);
void DDScrollBuffer_ScrollTo(int X, int Y)
ScrollX = mScrollX;
ScrollY = mScrollY;
-#if 0
- printf("::: DDScrollBuffer.c: DDScrollBuffer_ScrollTo(): mScroll: %ld, %ld [%d, %d]\n",
- mScrollX, mScrollY, X, Y);
#if 1
if (NoDisplayFlag)
-#if 0
- printf("::: DDScrollBuffer.c: DDScrollBuffer_ScrollTowards(): (1) mScroll: %ld, %ld [%d, %d, %f, %f]\n",
- mScrollX, mScrollY, X, Y, Step, Stretch);
X = X / Stretch;
Y = Y / Stretch;
dx = X - mScrollX;
ScrollX = mScrollX;
ScrollY = mScrollY;
-#if 0
- printf("::: DDScrollBuffer.c: DDScrollBuffer_ScrollTowards(): (2) mScroll: %ld, %ld [%d, %d, %f]\n",
- mScrollX, mScrollY, X, Y, Step);
#if 1
void DDScrollBuffer_SoftScrollTo(int X, int Y, long TimeMS, int FPS)
double dx, dY;
-#if 0
- TickCountObject Tick;
long dT, StepCount;
double T, tStep;
long oldX, oldY, maxD;
static boolean AlreadyRunning = False;
-#if 0
- printf(":a: %d, %d [%d, %d] [%d, %d] [%d, %d]\n",
- mScrollX, mScrollY,
- mScrollX_last, mScrollY_last,
- ScreenScrollXPos, ScreenScrollYPos,
- ScrollX, ScrollY);
if (NoDisplayFlag)
if (UserDragFlag)
goto SoftScrollEH;
- // If Claim Then Exit For
-#if 0
- Tick.DelayMS(dT, False);
mScrollX = oldX + T * dx;
mScrollY = oldY + T * dY;
ScrollX = mScrollX;
ScrollY = mScrollY;
-#if 0
- Blt();
-#if 0
- printf(":x: %d, %d [%d, %d] [%d, %d] [%d, %d]\n",
- mScrollX, mScrollY,
- mScrollX_last, mScrollY_last,
- ScreenScrollXPos, ScreenScrollYPos,
- ScrollX, ScrollY);
if (UserDragFlag)
goto SoftScrollEH;
-#if 0
- Tick.DelayMS(dT, False);
mScrollX = X;
mScrollY = Y;
ScrollX = mScrollX;
ScrollY = mScrollY;
-#if 0
- Blt();
AlreadyRunning = False;
-#if 0
- printf("::: DDScrollBuffer.c: DDScrollBuffer_SoftScrollTo(): mScroll: %ld, %ld\n",
- mScrollX, mScrollY);
-#if 0
- printf(":y: %d, %d [%d, %d] [%d, %d] [%d, %d]\n",
- mScrollX, mScrollY,
- mScrollX_last, mScrollY_last,
- ScreenScrollXPos, ScreenScrollYPos,
- ScrollX, ScrollY);
#if 1
-#if 0
- printf(":z: %d, %d [%d, %d] [%d, %d] [%d, %d]\n",
- mScrollX, mScrollY,
- mScrollX_last, mScrollY_last,
- ScreenScrollXPos, ScreenScrollYPos,
- ScrollX, ScrollY);
#include "global.h"
extern long mScrollX, mScrollY;
extern long mScrollX_last, mScrollY_last;
extern void UpdatePlayfield();
extern void RestorePlayfield();
-extern void DDScrollBuffer_Blt_Ext(Bitmap *);
extern void DDScrollBuffer_Blt();
-extern void DDScrollBuffer_Cls(int BackColor);
-extern long DDScrollBuffer_CreateAtSize(long Width, long Height, long hWndViewPort);
-extern long DDScrollBuffer_Get_DestXOff();
-extern long DDScrollBuffer_Get_DestYOff();
-extern int DDScrollBuffer_Get_Height();
-extern DirectDrawSurface7 DDScrollBuffer_Get_Surface();
-extern long DDScrollBuffer_Get_Width();
-extern void DDScrollBuffer_Let_DestXOff(long NewVal);
-extern void DDScrollBuffer_Let_DestYOff(long NewVal);
extern void DDScrollBuffer_ScrollTo(int X, int Y);
extern void DDScrollBuffer_ScrollTowards(int X, int Y, double Step);
extern void DDScrollBuffer_SoftScrollTo(int X, int Y, long TimeMS, int FPS);
#include "DDSpriteBuffer.h"
-static void Blt(int pX, int pY, Bitmap *bitmap, int SpriteX, int SpriteY);
-// --- VERSION 1.0 CLASS
-// --- BEGIN
-// --- MultiUse = -1 'True // True
-// --- Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable // NotPersistable
-// --- DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone // vbNone
-// --- DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone // vbNone
-// --- MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject // NotAnMTSObject
-// --- END
-// static char *VB_Name = "DDSpriteBuffer";
-// static boolean VB_GlobalNameSpace = False;
-// static boolean VB_Creatable = True;
-// static boolean VB_PredeclaredId = False;
-// static boolean VB_Exposed = False;
-// --- Option Explicit
-// needs reference to: DirectX7 for Visual Basic Type Library
-DirectDrawSurface7 Buffer;
-DirectDrawSurface7 mDest;
long mXSpriteCount, mYSpriteCount;
long mSpriteWidth, mSpriteHeight;
long mDestXOff, mDestYOff;
-void DDSpriteBuffer_Let_DestXOff(long NewVal)
- mDestXOff = NewVal;
-long DDSpriteBuffer_Get_DestXOff()
- long DestXOff;
- DestXOff = mDestXOff;
- return DestXOff;
-void DDSpriteBuffer_Let_DestYOff(long NewVal)
- mDestYOff = NewVal;
-long DDSpriteBuffer_Get_DestYOff()
- long DestYOff;
- DestYOff = mDestYOff;
- return DestYOff;
-int DDSpriteBuffer_Set_DestinationSurface(DirectDrawSurface7 DSurface)
- int DestinationSurface;
- mDest = DSurface;
- return DestinationSurface;
-DirectDrawSurface7 DDSpriteBuffer_Get_Surface()
- DirectDrawSurface7 Surface;
- Surface = Buffer;
- return Surface;
-long DDSpriteBuffer_Get_Width()
- long Width;
- Width = mSpriteWidth * mXSpriteCount;
- return Width;
-int DDSpriteBuffer_Get_Height()
- int Height;
- Height = mSpriteHeight * mYSpriteCount;
- return Height;
-boolean DDSpriteBuffer_CreateFromFile(char *Path, long xSprites, long ySprites)
+void DDSpriteBuffer_Init()
- boolean CreateFromFile;
- {
- }
- // --- On Error GoTo CreateFromFileEH
-#if 1
- SD.LWidth = 16 * TILEX;
- SD.LHeight = 16 * TILEY;
- Buffer = DDraw.CreateSurfaceFromFile(Path, SD);
- // --- On Error GoTo 0
-#if 0
- Buffer.GetSurfaceDesc(SD);
- mSpriteWidth = SD.LWidth / xSprites;
- mSpriteHeight = SD.LHeight / ySprites;
- mXSpriteCount = xSprites;
- mYSpriteCount = ySprites;
- CreateFromFile = True;
- return CreateFromFile;
- // CreateFromFileEH:
- CreateFromFile = False;
- return CreateFromFile;
+ mSpriteWidth = TILEX;
+ mSpriteHeight = TILEY;
+ mXSpriteCount = 16;
+ mYSpriteCount = 16;
-#if 0
-boolean DDSpriteBuffer_CreateAtSize(long Width, long Height, long xSprites, long ySprites)
- boolean CreateAtSize;
- {
- SD.LWidth = Width;
- SD.LHeight = Height;
- }
- // --- On Error GoTo CreateAtSizeEH
- Buffer = DDraw.CreateSurface(SD);
- // --- On Error GoTo 0
- mSpriteWidth = Width / xSprites;
- mSpriteHeight = Height / ySprites;
- mXSpriteCount = xSprites;
- mYSpriteCount = ySprites;
- CreateAtSize = True;
- return CreateAtSize;
- // CreateAtSizeEH:
- CreateAtSize = False;
- return CreateAtSize;
-#if 0
-void DDSpriteBuffer_Cls(int BackColor)
- RECT EmptyRect;
- Buffer.BltColorFill(EmptyRect, BackColor);
static void Blt(int pX, int pY, Bitmap *bitmap, int SpriteX, int SpriteY)
-#if 0
- long Tmp;
-#if 1
int scx = (mScrollX_last < 0 ? 0 : mScrollX_last);
int scy = (mScrollY_last < 0 ? 0 : mScrollY_last);
int sx = pX - sx1;
int sy = pY - sy1;
- int sx1 = mScrollX - TILEX;
- int sy1 = mScrollY - TILEY;
- int sx2 = mScrollX + SXSIZE + TILEX;
- int sy2 = mScrollY + SYSIZE + TILEY;
- int x1 = sx1 / TILEX;
- int y1 = sy1 / TILEY;
-#if 0
- int x2 = sx2 / TILEX;
- int y2 = sy2 / TILEY;
- int sx = pX - x1 * TILEX;
- int sy = pY - y1 * TILEY;
-#if 0
- printf(":1: DDSpriteBuffer.c: Blt(): %d, %d [%ld, %ld]\n",
- pX, pY, mScrollX, mScrollY);
if (NoDisplayFlag)
-#if 0
- if (TEST_flag)
- {
- if (pX < sx1 || pX > sx2 || pY < sy1 || pY > sy2)
- printf("::: DDSpriteBuffer.c: Blt(): %d, %d [%d..%d, %d..%d] (%ld, %ld) (%ld, %ld) [SKIPPED]\n",
- pX, pY, sx1, sx2, sy1, sy2, mScrollX, mScrollY, mScrollX_last, mScrollY_last);
- else
- printf("::: DDSpriteBuffer.c: Blt(): %d, %d [%d..%d, %d..%d] (%ld, %ld) (%ld, %ld)\n",
- pX, pY, sx1, sx2, sy1, sy2, mScrollX, mScrollY, mScrollX_last, mScrollY_last);
- }
/* do not draw fields that are outside the visible screen area */
if (pX < sx1 || pX > sx2 || pY < sy1 || pY > sy2)
-#if 0
- printf(":2: DDSpriteBuffer.c: Blt(): %d, %d [%ld, %ld]\n",
- pX, pY, mScrollX, mScrollY);
- {
- DR.left = pX + mDestXOff;
- DR.top = pY + mDestYOff;
- DR.right = pX + mSpriteWidth + mDestXOff;
- DR.bottom = pY + mSpriteHeight + mDestYOff;
- }
- {
-#if 1
- SR.left = SpriteX;
- SR.top = SpriteY;
- SR.left = mSpriteWidth * (SpriteX - 1);
- SR.top = mSpriteHeight * (SpriteY - 1);
- SR.right = SR.left + mSpriteWidth;
- SR.bottom = SR.top + mSpriteHeight;
- }
-#if 0
- printf("::: DDSpriteBuffer.c: Blt(): %d, %d\n", DR.left, DR.top);
+ DR.left = pX + mDestXOff;
+ DR.top = pY + mDestYOff;
+ DR.right = pX + mSpriteWidth + mDestXOff;
+ DR.bottom = pY + mSpriteHeight + mDestYOff;
-#if 0
- printf("::: DDSpriteBuffer.c: Blt(): %d, %d\n", sx, sy);
+ SR.left = SpriteX;
+ SR.top = SpriteY;
+ SR.right = SR.left + mSpriteWidth;
+ SR.bottom = SR.top + mSpriteHeight;
-#if 0
- if (pX == 0 * StretchWidth && pY == 0 * StretchWidth)
- printf("::: TEST: drawing topleft corner ...\n");
- if (pX == 59 * StretchWidth && pY == 23 * StretchWidth)
- printf("::: TEST: drawing bottomright corner ...\n");
-#if 1
-#if 1
BlitBitmap(bitmap, screenBitmap,
SR.left, SR.top,
mSpriteWidth, mSpriteHeight,
sx, sy);
- BlitBitmap(sp_objects, screenBitmap,
- SR.left, SR.top,
- mSpriteWidth, mSpriteHeight,
- DR.left, DR.top);
- Tmp = mDest.Blt(DR, &Buffer, SR, DDBLT_WAIT);
-#if 0
-static void OLD_Blt(int pX, int pY, int SpriteX, int SpriteY)
-#if 0
- long Tmp;
-#if 1
- int left = mScrollX;
- int top = mScrollY;
- int left = mScrollX / TILEX;
- int top = mScrollY / TILEY;
- int sx = pX % (MAX_BUF_XSIZE * TILEX);
- int sy = pY % (MAX_BUF_YSIZE * TILEY);
-#if 0
- printf("::: DDSpriteBuffer.c: Blt(): %d, %d [%ld, %ld] [%d, %d]\n",
- pX, pY, mScrollX, mScrollY, left, top);
- if (NoDisplayFlag)
- return;
- /* do not draw fields that are outside the visible screen area */
- if (pX < left || pX >= left + MAX_BUF_XSIZE * TILEX ||
- pY < top || pY >= top + MAX_BUF_YSIZE * TILEY)
- return;
- {
- DR.left = pX + mDestXOff;
- DR.top = pY + mDestYOff;
- DR.right = pX + mSpriteWidth + mDestXOff;
- DR.bottom = pY + mSpriteHeight + mDestYOff;
- }
- {
- SR.left = mSpriteWidth * (SpriteX - 1);
- SR.top = mSpriteHeight * (SpriteY - 1);
- SR.right = SR.left + mSpriteWidth;
- SR.bottom = SR.top + mSpriteHeight;
- }
-#if 0
- printf("::: DDSpriteBuffer.c: Blt(): %d, %d\n", DR.left, DR.top);
-#if 0
- if (pX == 0 * StretchWidth && pY == 0 * StretchWidth)
- printf("::: TEST: drawing topleft corner ...\n");
- if (pX == 59 * StretchWidth && pY == 23 * StretchWidth)
- printf("::: TEST: drawing bottomright corner ...\n");
-#if 1
-#if 1
- BlitBitmap(sp_objects, screenBitmap,
- SR.left, SR.top,
- mSpriteWidth, mSpriteHeight,
- sx, sy);
- BlitBitmap(sp_objects, screenBitmap,
- SR.left, SR.top,
- mSpriteWidth, mSpriteHeight,
- DR.left, DR.top);
- Tmp = mDest.Blt(DR, &Buffer, SR, DDBLT_WAIT);
-#if 0
-void DDSpriteBuffer_BltEx(int pX, int pY, int SpritePos)
- int XPos, YPos;
- if (NoDisplayFlag)
- return;
-#if 1
- XPos = mSpriteWidth * (SpritePos % mXSpriteCount);
- YPos = mSpriteHeight * (SpritePos / mXSpriteCount);
- XPos = (SpritePos % mXSpriteCount) + 1;
- YPos = (SpritePos / mXSpriteCount) + 1;
-#if 0
- printf("::: BltEx: %d, %d, %d, %d\n", pX, pY, XPos, YPos);
-#if 0
- if (TEST_flag)
- printf("::: DDSpriteBuffer_BltEx(): %d, %d [%d]\n",
- pX, pY, SpritePos);
- Blt(pX, pY, sp_objects, XPos, YPos);
void DDSpriteBuffer_BltImg(int pX, int pY, int graphic, int sync_frame)
struct GraphicInfo_SP g;
getGraphicSource_SP(&g, graphic, sync_frame, -1, -1);
-#if 0
- printf("::: BltImg: %d, %d, %d, %d\n", pX, pY, g.src_x, g.src_y);
Blt(pX, pY, g.bitmap, g.src_x, g.src_y);
-// Public Function GetStretchCopy(Stretch!) As DDSpriteBuffer
-// Dim SR As RECT, DR As RECT, Y%, X%, pX%, pY%, Tmp&
-// // Set GetStretchCopy = New DDSpriteBuffer // (handle this later, if needed)
-// If Not GetStretchCopy.CreateAtSize(Stretch * Width, Stretch * Height, mXSpriteCount, mYSpriteCount) Then
-// Set GetStretchCopy = Nothing
-// Else
-// For Y = 0 To mYSpriteCount - 1
-// pY = Y * Stretch * mSpriteHeight
-// For X = 0 To mXSpriteCount - 1
-// pX = X * Stretch * mSpriteWidth
-// With DR
-// .left = pX
-// .top = pY
-// .right = pX + mSpriteWidth * Stretch
-// .bottom = pY + mSpriteHeight * Stretch
-// End With
-// With SR
-// .left = mSpriteWidth * X
-// .top = mSpriteHeight * Y
-// .right = .left + mSpriteWidth
-// .bottom = .top + mSpriteHeight
-// End With
-// Tmp = GetStretchCopy.Surface.Blt(DR, Buffer, SR, DDBLT_WAIT)
-// Next X
-// Next Y
-// 'GetStretchCopy.Surface.Blt DR, Buffer, DR, DDBLT_WAIT
-// End If
-// End Function
-#if 0
-static void Class_Initialize()
- mDestXOff = 0;
- mDestYOff = 0;
#include "global.h"
-extern void DDSpriteBuffer_BltEx(int pX, int pY, int SpritePos);
+extern void DDSpriteBuffer_Init();
extern void DDSpriteBuffer_BltImg(int pX, int pY, int graphic, int sync_frame);
-extern void DDSpriteBuffer_Cls(int BackColor);
-extern boolean DDSpriteBuffer_CreateAtSize(long Width, long Height, long xSprites, long ySprites);
-extern boolean DDSpriteBuffer_CreateFromFile(char *Path, long xSprites, long ySprites);
-extern long DDSpriteBuffer_Get_DestXOff();
-extern long DDSpriteBuffer_Get_DestYOff();
-extern int DDSpriteBuffer_Get_Height();
-extern DirectDrawSurface7 DDSpriteBuffer_Get_Surface();
-extern long DDSpriteBuffer_Get_Width();
-extern void DDSpriteBuffer_Let_DestXOff(long NewVal);
-extern void DDSpriteBuffer_Let_DestYOff(long NewVal);
-extern int DDSpriteBuffer_Set_DestinationSurface(DirectDrawSurface7 DSurface);
goto loc_g_11BD;
MovHighByte(&PlayField16[si], 0x50); // infotron rolls left
- Mov(&PlayField16[si - 1], 0x8888);
+ PlayField16[si - 1] = 0x8888;
return subAnimateInfotrons;
loc_g_1350: // test if infotron may roll right
return subAnimateInfotrons;
MovHighByte(&PlayField16[si], 0x60); // infotron rolls right
- Mov(&PlayField16[si + 1], 0x8888);
+ PlayField16[si + 1] = 0x8888;
return subAnimateInfotrons;
loc_g_1364: // Murphy dies, but not in any case
Tmp = DisPlayField[tsi];
-#if 0
- if (TEST_flag)
- printf("::: MainForm.c: DrawFieldNoAnimated(): %d, %d [%d]\n",
- X, Y, Tmp);
#if 1
if (Tmp >= 0 && Tmp <= 40)
vb_vars.c \
ASM.c \
- BitMapObject.c \
BugsTerminals.c \
- Capture.c \
DDScrollBuffer.c \
DDSpriteBuffer.c \
Demo.c \
vb_vars.o \
ASM.o \
- BitMapObject.o \
BugsTerminals.o \
- Capture.o \
DDScrollBuffer.o \
DDSpriteBuffer.o \
Demo.o \
dx = aniFramesRedDisk;
dx1 = aniRedDisk;
MovLowByte(&RedDiskReleasePhase, 1);
- Mov(&RedDiskReleaseMurphyPos, *si); // remember Murphy's location
+ RedDiskReleaseMurphyPos = *si; // remember Murphy's location
goto loc_Split;
// ==========================================================================
goto loc_g_0D4C;
MovHighByte(&PlayField16[si], 0x50); // zonk rolls left
- Mov(&PlayField16[si - 1], 0x8888); // mark as zonk accessing?
+ PlayField16[si - 1] = 0x8888; // mark as zonk accessing?
return subAnimateZonks;
loc_g_0F00: // test if zonk may roll right
return subAnimateZonks;
MovHighByte(&PlayField16[si], 0x60); // zonk rolls right
- Mov(&PlayField16[si + 1], 0x8888); // mark as zonk accessing?
+ PlayField16[si + 1] = 0x8888; // mark as zonk accessing?
return subAnimateZonks;
loc_g_0F14: // Murphy dies, but not in any case
#include "main_sp.h"
#include "ASM.h"
-#include "BitMapObject.h"
#include "BugsTerminals.h"
-#include "Capture.h"
#include "DDScrollBuffer.h"
#include "DDSpriteBuffer.h"
#include "Demo.h"
#include "global.h"
-#if 0
-Bitmap *sp_objects;
Bitmap *screenBitmap;
struct EngineSnapshotInfo_SP engine_snapshot_sp;
-#if 0
- SetBitmaps_SP(&sp_objects);
-#if 0
- /* too small for oversized levels, but too big for graphics performance */
- /* (the whole playfield is drawn/updated, not only visible/scrolled area) */
- /* !!! FIX THIS !!! */
- screenBitmap = CreateBitmap(60 * TILEX, 24 * TILEY,
screenBitmap = CreateBitmap(MAX_BUF_XSIZE * TILEX, MAX_BUF_YSIZE * TILEY,
- DDSpriteBuffer_CreateFromFile("[NONE]", 16, 16);
+ DDSpriteBuffer_Init();
void sp_close_all()
struct GameInfo_SP game_sp;
struct LevelInfo_SP native_sp_level;
-#if 0
- printf(":A: %d, %d [%d, %d]\n",
- mScrollX, mScrollY, mScrollX_last, mScrollY_last);
-#if 1
- menPlayDemo_Click();
-#if 0
- printf(":B: %d, %d [%d, %d]\n",
- mScrollX, mScrollY, mScrollX_last, mScrollY_last);
-#if 0
-void BlitScreenToBitmap_SP(Bitmap *target_bitmap)
- DDScrollBuffer_Blt_Ext(target_bitmap);
void RedrawPlayfield_SP(boolean force_redraw)
- // subDisplayLevel();
if (force_redraw)
void DrawGameDoorValues_SP()
-#if 1
game_sp.time_played = TimerVar / setup.game_frame_delay;
game_sp.infotrons_still_needed = InfotronsNeeded;
game_sp.red_disk_count = RedDiskCount;
game_sp.score = 0; // (currently no score in Supaplex engine)
- int infotrons_still_needed = InfotronsNeeded;
- int red_disks = RedDiskCount;
- int no_score_in_supaplex = 0;
-#if 1
- int level_time_played = TimerVar / setup.game_frame_delay;
- int level_time_played = TimerVar / 35; /* !!! CHECK THIS !!! */
- int no_keys_in_supaplex = 0;
- DrawAllGameValues(infotrons_still_needed, red_disks, no_score_in_supaplex,
- level_time_played, no_keys_in_supaplex);
void GameActions_SP(byte action[MAX_PLAYERS], boolean warp_mode)
getGraphicSource(graphic, frame, &g_sp->bitmap, &g_sp->src_x, &g_sp->src_y);
-boolean isRandomAnimation_SP(int graphic)
- return (ANIM_MODE(graphic) == ANIM_RANDOM);
boolean isNextAnimationFrame_SP(int graphic, int sync_frame)
return (IS_NEXT_FRAME(sync_frame, graphic));