// graphic info for game objects/frames and players/actions/frames
struct GraphicInfo_BD graphic_info_bd_object[O_MAX_ALL][8];
+#if 0
static inline int c64_png_colors(int r, int g, int b, int a)
static const int c64_png_cols[] =
return c64_png_cols[c];
void set_cell_size(int s)
cell_size = s;
return player_out_of_window(game, player_x, player_y);
+#if 1
+static SDL_Color get_template_color(GdColor color_raw)
+ GdColor color_rgb = gd_color_get_rgb(color_raw);
+ SDL_Color color_sdl;
+ color_sdl.r = gd_color_get_r(color_rgb);
+ color_sdl.g = gd_color_get_g(color_rgb);
+ color_sdl.b = gd_color_get_b(color_rgb);
+ return color_sdl;
+// Copy surface, replace all "pure" RGB colors with BD colors, and keep all other colors.
+// (A "pure" RGB color in this sense has the same value for all RGB channels, or zero.)
+static SDL_Surface *get_colored_surface_from_template(GdCave *cave, SDL_Surface *surface)
+ static SDL_Surface *new_surface = NULL;
+ static unsigned int *pixels = NULL;
+ SDL_PixelFormat *format = surface->format;
+ SDL_Color color[8];
+ int width = surface->w;
+ int height = surface->h;
+ int bytes_per_pixel = 4;
+ int out = 0;
+ int x, y;
+ if (format->BytesPerPixel != bytes_per_pixel)
+ Fail("Color template bitmap has wrong color depth -- should not happen");
+ if (new_surface != NULL)
+ SDL_FreeSurface(new_surface);
+ checked_free(pixels);
+ pixels = checked_malloc(width * height * bytes_per_pixel);
+ SDL_LockSurface(surface);
+ // set surface color palette to cave colors
+ color[0] = get_template_color(cave->color0); // replace black
+ color[1] = get_template_color(cave->color1); // replace red
+ color[2] = get_template_color(cave->color4); // replace green
+ color[3] = get_template_color(cave->color3); // replace yellow
+ color[4] = get_template_color(cave->color5); // replace blue
+ color[5] = get_template_color(cave->color2); // replace purple
+ color[6] = get_template_color(0); // replace cyan
+ color[7] = get_template_color(0); // replace white
+ for (y = 0; y < height; y++)
+ {
+ unsigned int *p = (unsigned int *)((char *)surface->pixels + y * surface->pitch);
+ for (x = 0; x < width; x++)
+ {
+ int r = (p[x] & format->Rmask) >> format->Rshift << format->Rloss;
+ int g = (p[x] & format->Gmask) >> format->Gshift << format->Gloss;
+ int b = (p[x] & format->Bmask) >> format->Bshift << format->Bloss;
+ int a = (p[x] & format->Amask) >> format->Ashift << format->Aloss;
+ int color_value = (r > 0 ? r :
+ g > 0 ? g :
+ b > 0 ? b : 255);
+ if ((r == 0 || r == color_value) &&
+ (g == 0 || g == color_value) &&
+ (b == 0 || b == color_value))
+ {
+ int index = ((r > 0 ? 1 : 0) +
+ (g > 0 ? 2 : 0) +
+ (b > 0 ? 4 : 0));
+ r = color[index].r * color_value / 255;
+ g = color[index].g * color_value / 255;
+ b = color[index].b * color_value / 255;
+ }
+ pixels[out++] = ((r << format->Rshift >> format->Rloss) |
+ (g << format->Gshift >> format->Gloss) |
+ (b << format->Bshift >> format->Bloss) |
+ (a << format->Ashift >> format->Aloss));
+ }
+ }
+ SDL_UnlockSurface(surface);
+ // create new surface from pixel data
+ new_surface = SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom(pixels, width, height, 32, width * bytes_per_pixel,
+ format->Rmask,
+ format->Gmask,
+ format->Bmask,
+ format->Amask);
+ if (new_surface == NULL)
+ Fail("SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom() failed: %s", SDL_GetError());
+ return new_surface;
+static Bitmap *get_masked_bitmap_from_surface(GdCave *cave, SDL_Surface *surface)
+ static Bitmap *bitmap = NULL;
+ if (surface == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ if (bitmap != NULL)
+ FreeBitmap(bitmap);
+ // set background color to be transparent for masked bitmap
+ int color = gd_color_get_rgb(cave->color0);
+ int r = gd_color_get_r(color);
+ int g = gd_color_get_g(color);
+ int b = gd_color_get_b(color);
+ // create bitmap from surface
+ bitmap = SDLGetBitmapFromSurface_WithMaskedColor(surface, r, g, b);
+ return bitmap;
+Bitmap *gd_get_colored_bitmap_from_template(Bitmap *template_bitmap)
+ GdCave *cave = native_bd_level.cave;
+ SDL_Surface *template_surface = template_bitmap->surface;
+ SDL_Surface *colored_surface = get_colored_surface_from_template(cave, template_surface);
+ Bitmap *colored_bitmap = get_masked_bitmap_from_surface(cave, colored_surface);
+ return colored_bitmap;
// sets one of the colors in the indexed palette of an sdl surface to a GdColor.
static void set_surface_palette_color(SDL_Surface *surface, int index, GdColor col)
return colored_bitmap;
// returns true if the element has a certain property
static inline boolean has_property(const int element, const int property)