int gd_y = gfx->src_y;
int gd_xp = gfx->src_x + gfx->pressed_xoffset;
int gd_yp = gfx->src_y + gfx->pressed_yoffset;
+ int x = pos->x;
+ int y = pos->y;
int id = i;
if (global.use_envelope_request)
+ {
setRequestPosition(&dx, &dy, TRUE);
+ // check if request buttons are outside of envelope and fix, if needed
+ if (x < 0 || x + gfx->width > request.width ||
+ y < 0 || y + gfx->height > request.height)
+ {
+ // use left padding of "yes" button as default border padding
+ int padding = toolbutton_info[TOOL_CTRL_ID_YES].pos->x;
+ if (id == TOOL_CTRL_ID_YES)
+ {
+ x = padding;
+ y = request.height - 2 * request.border_size - gfx->height - padding;
+ }
+ else if (id == TOOL_CTRL_ID_NO)
+ {
+ x = request.width - 2 * request.border_size - gfx->width - padding;
+ y = request.height - 2 * request.border_size - gfx->height - padding;
+ }
+ else if (id == TOOL_CTRL_ID_CONFIRM)
+ {
+ x = (request.width - 2 * request.border_size - gfx->width) / 2;
+ y = request.height - 2 * request.border_size - gfx->height - padding;
+ }
+ else if (id >= TOOL_CTRL_ID_PLAYER_1 && id <= TOOL_CTRL_ID_PLAYER_4)
+ {
+ int player_nr = id - TOOL_CTRL_ID_PLAYER_1;
+ x = (request.width - 2 * request.border_size - gfx->width) / 2;
+ y = request.height - 2 * request.border_size - gfx->height - padding;
+ x += (player_nr % 2 ? +1 : -1) * gfx->width / 2;
+ y += (player_nr / 2 ? 0 : -1) * gfx->height;
+ }
+ }
+ }
int player_nr = id - TOOL_CTRL_ID_PLAYER_1;
gi = CreateGadget(GDI_CUSTOM_ID, id,
GDI_INFO_TEXT, toolbutton_info[i].infotext,
- GDI_X, dx + pos->x,
- GDI_Y, dy + pos->y,
+ GDI_X, dx + x,
+ GDI_Y, dy + y,
GDI_WIDTH, gfx->width,
GDI_HEIGHT, gfx->height,