/* functions from SGE library */
void sge_Line(SDL_Surface *, Sint16, Sint16, Sint16, Sint16, Uint32);
/* functions to draw overlay graphics for touch device input */
static void DrawTouchInputOverlay();
void SDLLimitScreenUpdates(boolean enable)
SDL_RenderCopy(sdl_renderer, sdl_texture_target, src_rect2, dst_rect2);
// draw overlay graphics for touch device input, if needed
// global synchronization point of the game to align video frame delay
it will crash if flags are *not* set to SDL_RENDERER_SOFTWARE (because
it will try to use accelerated graphics and apparently fails miserably) */
int renderer_flags = SDL_RENDERER_SOFTWARE;
SDLSetScreenSizeAndOffsets(video.width, video.height);
int width = video.width;
int height = video.height;
return TRUE;
static void DrawTouchInputOverlay()
static SDL_Texture *texture = NULL;
static boolean initialized = FALSE;
static boolean deactivated = TRUE;
SDL_Rect dst_rect = { xpos, ypos, width_scaled, height_scaled };
SDL_RenderCopy(sdl_renderer, texture, &src_rect, &dst_rect);