if (game->element_buffer[y][x] & SKIPPED)
- /* if it needs to be redrawn */
- SDL_Rect offset;
- /* sdl_blitsurface destroys offset, so we have to set y here, too.
- (ie. in every iteration) */
- offset.y = y * cell_size - scroll_y_aligned;
- offset.x = x * cell_size - scroll_x;
/* now we have drawn it */
game->gfx_buffer[y][x] = game->gfx_buffer[y][x] & ~GD_REDRAW;
+ int sx = x * cell_size - scroll_x;
+ int sy = y * cell_size - scroll_y_aligned;
int tile = game->element_buffer[y][x];
int frame = game->animcycle;
struct GraphicInfo_BD *g = &graphic_info_bd_object[tile][frame];
- int width = g->width * TILESIZE_VAR / TILESIZE;
- int height = g->height * TILESIZE_VAR / TILESIZE;
boolean use_smooth_movements = TRUE;
/* if game element is just moving, draw movement animation between two tiles */
int tile_old = game->last_element_buffer[y][x] & ~SKIPPED;
struct GraphicInfo_BD *g_old = &graphic_info_bd_object[tile_old][frame];
- blit_bitmap(g_old->bitmap, dest, g_old->src_x, g_old->src_y, width, height,
- offset.x, offset.y);
+ blit_bitmap(g_old->bitmap, dest, g_old->src_x, g_old->src_y, cell_size, cell_size,
+ sx, sy);
/* get cave field position the game element is moving from */
int tile_from = game->element_buffer[old_y][old_x];
struct GraphicInfo_BD *g_from = &graphic_info_bd_object[tile_from][0];
- blit_bitmap(g_from->bitmap, dest, g_from->src_x, g_from->src_y, width, height,
- offset.x + dx * cell_size, offset.y + dy * cell_size);
+ blit_bitmap(g_from->bitmap, dest, g_from->src_x, g_from->src_y, cell_size, cell_size,
+ sx + dx * cell_size, sy + dy * cell_size);
game->element_buffer[old_y][old_x] |= SKIPPED;
int itercycle = MIN(MAX(0, game->itermax - game->itercycle - 1), game->itermax);
int shift = cell_size * itercycle / game->itermax;
- offset.x += dx * shift;
- offset.y += dy * shift;
+ sx += dx * shift;
+ sy += dy * shift;
- blit_bitmap(g->bitmap, dest, g->src_x, g->src_y, width, height, offset.x, offset.y);
+ blit_bitmap(g->bitmap, dest, g->src_x, g->src_y, cell_size, cell_size, sx, sy);
if (use_native_bd_graphics_engine() && !setup.small_game_graphics && !program.headless)