static void DoAnimationExt(void);
static struct GlobalAnimControlInfo global_anim_ctrl[NUM_GAME_MODES];
-static struct ToonInfo toons[MAX_NUM_TOONS];
static unsigned int anim_sync_frame = 0;
return compare_result;
-static void PrepareBackbuffer()
- if (game_status != GAME_MODE_PLAYING)
- return;
- BlitScreenToBitmap(backbuffer);
-boolean ToonNeedsRedraw()
- return TRUE;
-void InitToons()
- int num_toons = MAX_NUM_TOONS;
- int i;
- if (global.num_toons >= 0 && global.num_toons < MAX_NUM_TOONS)
- num_toons = global.num_toons;
- for (i = 0; i < num_toons; i++)
- {
- int graphic = IMG_TOON_1 + i;
- struct FileInfo *image = getImageListEntryFromImageID(graphic);
- toons[i].bitmap = graphic_info[graphic].bitmap;
- toons[i].src_x = graphic_info[graphic].src_x;
- toons[i].src_y = graphic_info[graphic].src_y;
- toons[i].width = graphic_info[graphic].width;
- toons[i].height = graphic_info[graphic].height;
- toons[i].anim_frames = graphic_info[graphic].anim_frames;
- toons[i].anim_delay = graphic_info[graphic].anim_delay;
- toons[i].anim_mode = graphic_info[graphic].anim_mode;
- toons[i].anim_start_frame = graphic_info[graphic].anim_start_frame;
- toons[i].step_offset = graphic_info[graphic].step_offset;
- toons[i].step_delay = graphic_info[graphic].step_delay;
- toons[i].direction = image->parameter[GFX_ARG_DIRECTION];
- toons[i].position = image->parameter[GFX_ARG_POSITION];
- }
- InitToonScreen(bitmap_db_toons,
- BackToFront, PrepareBackbuffer, ToonNeedsRedraw,
- toons, num_toons,
static void InitToonControls()
int mode_nr_toons = GAME_MODE_PSEUDO_TOONS;
-void DrawGlobalAnimExt(int drawing_stage)
+void DrawGlobalAnimationsExt(int drawing_stage)
int mode_nr;
-void DrawGlobalAnim(int drawing_stage)
+void DrawGlobalAnimations(int drawing_stage)
- DrawGlobalAnimExt(drawing_stage);
+ DrawGlobalAnimationsExt(drawing_stage);
boolean SetGlobalAnimPart_Viewport(struct GlobalAnimPartControlInfo *part)
#include "misc.h"
-static struct ToonScreenInfo screen_info;
/* ========================================================================= */
/* generic animation frame calculation */
/* ========================================================================= */
return frame;
-/* ========================================================================= */
-/* toon animation functions */
-/* ========================================================================= */
-static int get_toon_direction(char *direction_string_raw)
- char *direction_string = getStringToLower(direction_string_raw);
- int direction = (strEqual(direction_string, "left") ? MV_LEFT :
- strEqual(direction_string, "right") ? MV_RIGHT :
- strEqual(direction_string, "up") ? MV_UP :
- strEqual(direction_string, "down") ? MV_DOWN :
- free(direction_string);
- return direction;
-void InitToonScreen(Bitmap *save_buffer,
- void (*update_function)(void),
- void (*prepare_backbuffer_function)(void),
- boolean (*redraw_needed_function)(void),
- struct ToonInfo *toons, int num_toons,
- int startx, int starty,
- int width, int height,
- int frame_delay_value)
- screen_info.save_buffer = save_buffer;
- screen_info.update_function = update_function;
- screen_info.prepare_backbuffer_function = prepare_backbuffer_function;
- screen_info.redraw_needed_function = redraw_needed_function;
- screen_info.toons = toons;
- screen_info.num_toons = num_toons;
- screen_info.startx = startx;
- screen_info.starty = starty;
- screen_info.width = width;
- screen_info.height = height;
- screen_info.frame_delay_value = frame_delay_value;
-void DrawAnim(Bitmap *toon_bitmap, int src_x, int src_y, int width, int height,
- int dest_x, int dest_y, int pad_x, int pad_y)
- int pad_dest_x = dest_x - pad_x;
- int pad_dest_y = dest_y - pad_y;
- int pad_width = width + 2 * pad_x;
- int pad_height = height + 2 * pad_y;
- int buffer_x = 0;
- int buffer_y = 0;
- /* correct values to avoid off-screen blitting (start position) */
- if (pad_dest_x < screen_info.startx)
- {
- pad_width -= (screen_info.startx - pad_dest_x);
- pad_dest_x = screen_info.startx;
- }
- if (pad_dest_y < screen_info.starty)
- {
- pad_height -= (screen_info.starty - pad_dest_y);
- pad_dest_y = screen_info.starty;
- }
- /* correct values to avoid off-screen blitting (blit size) */
- if (pad_width > screen_info.width)
- pad_width = screen_info.width;
- if (pad_height > screen_info.height)
- pad_height = screen_info.height;
- /* special method to avoid flickering interference with BackToFront() */
- BlitBitmap(backbuffer, screen_info.save_buffer, pad_dest_x, pad_dest_y,
- pad_width, pad_height, buffer_x, buffer_y);
- BlitBitmapMasked(toon_bitmap, backbuffer, src_x, src_y, width, height,
- dest_x, dest_y);
- BlitBitmap(backbuffer, window, pad_dest_x, pad_dest_y, pad_width, pad_height,
- pad_dest_x, pad_dest_y);
- screen_info.update_function();
- BlitBitmap(screen_info.save_buffer, backbuffer, buffer_x, buffer_y,
- pad_width, pad_height, pad_dest_x, pad_dest_y);
- /* prevent immediate redraw of restored toon area in backbuffer */
- redraw_mask = REDRAW_NONE;
-boolean AnimateToon(int toon_nr, boolean restart)
- static unsigned int animation_frame_counter = 0;
- static int pos_x = 0, pos_y = 0;
- static int delta_x = 0, delta_y = 0;
- static int frame = 0;
- static boolean horiz_move, vert_move;
- static unsigned int anim_delay = 0;
- static unsigned int anim_delay_value = 0;
- static int width,height;
- static int pad_x,pad_y;
- static int cut_x,cut_y;
- static int src_x, src_y;
- static int dest_x, dest_y;
- struct ToonInfo *anim = &screen_info.toons[toon_nr];
- Bitmap *anim_bitmap = screen_info.toons[toon_nr].bitmap;
- int direction = get_toon_direction(anim->direction);
- if (restart)
- {
- horiz_move = (direction & (MV_LEFT | MV_RIGHT));
- vert_move = (direction & (MV_UP | MV_DOWN));
- anim_delay_value = anim->step_delay * screen_info.frame_delay_value;
- frame = getAnimationFrame(anim->anim_frames, anim->anim_delay,
- anim->anim_mode, anim->anim_start_frame,
- animation_frame_counter++);
- if (horiz_move)
- {
- int pos_bottom = screen_info.height - anim->height;
- if (strEqual(anim->position, "top"))
- pos_y = 0;
- else if (strEqual(anim->position, "bottom"))
- pos_y = pos_bottom;
- else if (strEqual(anim->position, "upper"))
- pos_y = GetSimpleRandom(pos_bottom / 2);
- else if (strEqual(anim->position, "lower"))
- pos_y = pos_bottom / 2 + GetSimpleRandom(pos_bottom / 2);
- else
- pos_y = GetSimpleRandom(pos_bottom);
- if (direction == MV_RIGHT)
- {
- delta_x = anim->step_offset;
- pos_x = -anim->width + delta_x;
- }
- else
- {
- delta_x = -anim->step_offset;
- pos_x = screen_info.width + delta_x;
- }
- delta_y = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- int pos_right = screen_info.width - anim->width;
- if (strEqual(anim->position, "left"))
- pos_x = 0;
- else if (strEqual(anim->position, "right"))
- pos_x = pos_right;
- else
- pos_x = GetSimpleRandom(pos_right);
- if (direction == MV_DOWN)
- {
- delta_y = anim->step_offset;
- pos_y = -anim->height + delta_y;
- }
- else
- {
- delta_y = -anim->step_offset;
- pos_y = screen_info.height + delta_y;
- }
- delta_x = 0;
- }
- }
- if (pos_x <= -anim->width - anim->step_offset ||
- pos_x >= screen_info.width + anim->step_offset ||
- pos_y <= -anim->height - anim->step_offset ||
- pos_y >= screen_info.height + anim->step_offset)
- return TRUE;
- if (!DelayReached(&anim_delay, anim_delay_value))
- {
- if (screen_info.redraw_needed_function() && !restart)
- DrawAnim(anim_bitmap,
- src_x + cut_x, src_y + cut_y,
- width, height,
- screen_info.startx + dest_x,
- screen_info.starty + dest_y,
- pad_x, pad_y);
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (pos_x < -anim->width)
- pos_x = -anim->width;
- else if (pos_x > screen_info.width)
- pos_x = screen_info.width;
- if (pos_y < -anim->height)
- pos_y = -anim->height;
- else if (pos_y > screen_info.height)
- pos_y = screen_info.height;
- pad_x = (horiz_move ? anim->step_offset : 0);
- pad_y = (vert_move ? anim->step_offset : 0);
- src_x = anim->src_x + frame * anim->width;
- src_y = anim->src_y;
- dest_x = pos_x;
- dest_y = pos_y;
- cut_x = cut_y = 0;
- width = anim->width;
- height = anim->height;
- if (pos_x < 0)
- {
- dest_x = 0;
- width += pos_x;
- cut_x = -pos_x;
- }
- else if (pos_x > screen_info.width - anim->width)
- width -= (pos_x - (screen_info.width - anim->width));
- if (pos_y < 0)
- {
- dest_y = 0;
- height += pos_y;
- cut_y = -pos_y;
- }
- else if (pos_y > screen_info.height - anim->height)
- height -= (pos_y - (screen_info.height - anim->height));
- DrawAnim(anim_bitmap,
- src_x + cut_x, src_y + cut_y,
- width, height,
- screen_info.startx + dest_x,
- screen_info.starty + dest_y,
- pad_x, pad_y);
- pos_x += delta_x;
- pos_y += delta_y;
- frame = getAnimationFrame(anim->anim_frames, anim->anim_delay,
- anim->anim_mode, anim->anim_start_frame,
- animation_frame_counter++);
- return FALSE;
-void HandleAnimation(int mode)
- static unsigned int animstart_delay = -1;
- static unsigned int animstart_delay_value = 0;
- static boolean anim_running = FALSE;
- static boolean anim_restart = TRUE;
- static boolean reset_delay = TRUE;
- static int toon_nr = 0;
- if (!setup.toons || screen_info.num_toons == 0)
- return;
- /* this may happen after reloading graphics and redefining "num_toons" */
- if (toon_nr >= screen_info.num_toons)
- anim_restart = TRUE;
- switch(mode)
- {
- case ANIM_START:
- screen_info.prepare_backbuffer_function();
- anim_running = TRUE;
- anim_restart = TRUE;
- reset_delay = TRUE;
- return;
- if (!anim_running)
- return;
- break;
- case ANIM_STOP:
- if (anim_running)
- {
- redraw_mask |= REDRAW_FIELD;
- screen_info.update_function();
- anim_running = FALSE;
- }
- return;
- default:
- break;
- }
- if (reset_delay)
- {
- animstart_delay = Counter();
- animstart_delay_value = GetSimpleRandom(3000);
- reset_delay = FALSE;
- }
- if (anim_restart)
- {
- if (!DelayReached(&animstart_delay, animstart_delay_value))
- return;
- toon_nr = GetSimpleRandom(screen_info.num_toons);
- }
- anim_restart = reset_delay = AnimateToon(toon_nr, anim_restart);